Access road to Harewood Centennial Park named Jim Borserio Way
Named after long-time community contributor
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed September 2, 2020 2:59 PM
When visiting Harewood Centennial Park from now on, many visitors will take Jim Borserio Way located off of Howard Avenue. Named after a dedicated and remarkable member of the community, Jim Borserio Way became official on Wednesday, September 2 after a small group of Mr. Borserio's family, close friends and City of Nanaimo Mayor, Council and staff gathered at the site and unveiled the new road sign to honour the long-time contributor to Nanaimo.
James Borserio (1913-1999) improved many aspects of life in Nanaimo - especially in the area of Parks, Recreation and Culture through his involvement in the following key projects:
- He was an original trustee of the Harewood Improvement District and was instrumental in the purchase of both Colliery Dam Park (1950s) and Harewood Centennial Park (1960s)
- He organized Nanaimo first women's softball team (early 1930s)
- He wrote a sports column in the local paper (starting in the early 1930s)
- He hosted a weekly radio show called "The Bastion Pioneers" that focused on Nanaimo's history (mid 1950s)
- He managed the fundraising efforts for a grandstand at Comox Road Park (1932)
- He helped organize the development of Pioneer Square behind the Bastion (1979)
- He was a member of the Harewood Community Council along with the Gryo Club that helped establish a children's playground and swimming pool at Harewood School
In addition to his Parks, Recreation and Culture contributions, Mr. Borserio was active in the Nanaimo community as a whole:
- He taught for 43 years in the local school district, including acting as chairman of the Teachers' Association and district librarian
- He created a model for libraries across the school district
- He was a member of the Air Raid Precautions during the Second World War
- He acted as Secretary Treasurer of the Harewood Volunteer Fire Department
- He was a trustee of the Harewood Fire Protection
- He was instrumental in developing the Harewood Fire Hall and promoted Women's Auxiliary and Junior Firemen concepts
- He was involved in creating the Greater Nanaimo Water Board (after amalgamation in 1975)
- He was involved in naming many of the new streets in Harewood (after amalgamation in 1975)
- He authored the history book "Harewood: Land of Wakesiah" as part of the Harewood Centennial Committee (1967)
Mr. Borserio's many commitments and contributions have helped make Nanaimo the city as we know it today.
Link to Strategic Plan: Honouring the contributions of our citizens is a great way to remember how they have enhanced our community making it a more livable place for everyone.
Key Points
- Mr. Jim Borserio contributed to many community enhancement projects in Nanaimo.
- Mr. Jim Borserio was a key person behind the acquisition of two of Nanaimo's popular south-end parks - Colliery Dam Park and Harewood Centennial Park.
"The City of Nanaimo continues to benefit from the many contributions of Mr. Jim Borserio. He had vision, but more than that, he put in the work and gave the time to this community. Thanks to his work as a trustee of the Harewood Improvement District, we have two of some of Nanaimo's most popular parks - Harewood Centennial Park and Colliery Dam Park. Mr. Borserio's legacy and commitment to this community are enjoyed today and will continue for many years to come."
"A fitting tribute to a Native Son who dedicated his life to serving his community and the city he loved."

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