City reminds pet owners of their responsibilities
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed September 3, 2020 11:30 AM
City of Nanaimo Animal Control Services is reminding dog owners of their responsibilities when it comes to owning a dog or recreating a dog within city limits. For example, dog owners must maintain control of their dogs at all times when in a public setting. This includes parks, trails, in neighbourhoods and any other place the public may gather. Dogs must remain on a leash in public places with the exception of off-leash areas.
Being a responsible pet owner in Nanaimo comes with some rules. In addition to the leash bylaw, dog owners are responsible for:
Licencing any dog over the age of three months residing in the City of Nanaimo. The current year tag must be displayed on the dog's collar.
Ensuring their dog does not roam off their own property unless they are leashed.
Properly disposing of their dog's excrement.
Keeping their dogs away from the following areas: playgrounds, cemeteries, water parks and any beach within a park during the summer months (May 1 - Oct 1).
Find more information on Animal Control, contacts and links related to animals in Nanaimo, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Ensuring the safe enjoyment of public spaces for all supports a liveable community.
Key Points
- To report incidents of Animal Control bylaw infractions, contact Animal Control Services at 250-616-0233.
- Leash bylaws and other animal control bylaws are in effect to make sure everyone can safely enjoy public spaces in Nanaimo.
"While some owners may be confident in their ability to control their dogs, a recent dog attack illustrates the importance of keeping them on a leash at all times on public property. Not only are you showing you care about your dog by following these rules, you are showing your neighbours and fellow citizens you care about them and their beloved pets."
Quick Facts
- One hundred per cent of the fees collected from dog licences go toward the costs of operating the Nanaimo Animal Shelter, including care and adoption
- Located at 1260 Nanaimo Lakes Road, the Nanaimo Animal Control officers enforce the Animal Control Bylaw as well as operate the Pound & Adoption Centre for the City of Nanaimo.
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