The Property Tax Penalty Date is Fast Approaching
September 30, 2020 is the last day to pay property taxes before the penalty date
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed September 23, 2020 10:00 AM
Property taxes were due on July 2, 2020, but to ease the financial pressure that many have felt during the pandemic, City Council approved a penalty date extension for 2020. The final day to pay property taxes without incurring a penalty is September 30, 2020. As of October 1, 2020, any outstanding 2020 property taxes will be assessed a 5% penalty. On November 12, a second late penalty of 5% will be assessed on any property taxes that continue to be outstanding. Provincial Legislation requires the City to apply a penalty on any outstanding 2020 tax amounts beyond the established deadlines.
Payments can be made through internet, phone or in-person banking at your financial institution or by using the drop box that is available 24/7 at the Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street). In-person payments can be made by visiting the pop-up tax payment office at the Frank Crane Arena ticket booths at Beban Park (2300 Bowen Road). The pop-up tax office will be open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through October 2, 2020. In-person payment is limited to debit and cheque only.
A postage paid envelope was included with tax notices this year. Mail-in payments are still being accepted, but must be received by the City of Nanaimo before the end of the day on September 30 to avoid penalty. Please allow adequate time for the postal service to deliver mailed payments.
Home Owner Grants can be claimed online at, by using the drop box at the Service and Resource Centre or at the pop-up tax office at Frank Crane Arena. Residents who are eligible for the grant must claim it each year to avoid penalties.
Link to Strategic Plan: Taking responsibility to be an excellent municipal government and communicating the tax penalty dates with property owners.
Key Points
- September 30, 2020 is the last day to pay property taxes before a 5% penalty will be assessed.
- The City of Nanaimo is encouraging property owners to make contactless tax payments through your financial institution or by using the drop box that is available 24/7 at the Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street). Mail-in payments are also being accepted, but must be received by the end of the work day on September 30, 2020.
- During the pandemic, a pop-up property tax payment office has been setup at the Frank Crane ticket offices at Beban Park (2300 Bowen Road), Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. October 2 is the last day the pop-up office will be open. In-person payment is limited to debit and cheques.
"The 5% property tax penalties will be assessed on October 1 and November 12. Please pay your property taxes before September 30 to avoid any penalties. Property owners can consider setting up automatic monthly prepayments with the City to build towards future property taxes."
Quick Facts
- Property owners can setup preauthorized automatic monthly payments to put towards next year's taxes. Visit for more information.
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