Pop! REIMAGINE NANAIMO booths are popping up to engage with you!
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed October 16, 2020 1:00 PM
The REIMAGINE NANAIMO team will be setting up at various shopping centres over the next two weekends and will be ready to answer your questions and help you have your say on the City's priorities as we build towards the next ten years and beyond.
REIMAGINE NANAIMO has been engaging with Nanaimo since July and we've already seen some great ideas come forward. For example, focusing on the attraction of green businesses such as companies that manufacture solar panels, an expansion of the E&N multi-use trail, greening of the Pioneer Plaza downtown, and an additional, inclusive destination playground for residents and visitors alike. Phase One (our idea gathering phase) has been extended to the end of November, and we're looking for more great ideas from all of Nanaimo.
How do you see us adapting to climate change and staying green? How will we connect and play in the future? How will we care, work, move and live ten years from now? Visit us on one of our pop-up days or join the conversation at getinvolvednanaimo.ca. Surveys, idea boards, interactive maps and story telling opportunities await your amazing ideas, and all of the information shared will contribute to Phase Two as we explore Nanaimo's future.
REIMAGINE NANAIMO pop-up schedule:
- Saturday, October 17, 2020, noon to 4 pm, Woodgrove Centre (near the Toys R Us entrance)
- Sunday, October 18, 2020, noon to 4 pm, Country Club Centre (near the Save On Foods entrance)
- Saturday, October 24, 2020, noon to 4 pm, Nanaimo North Town Centre (near the London Drugs entrance)
- Sunday, October 25, 2020, noon to 4 pm, University Village Shopping Centre (outside)
Join us, grab a pin, sticker or tattoo & help to spread the word to others! Paper copies of the survey are available and will be on-hand at the pop-up booths for anyone that doesn't want to participate online. We will respect and follow provincial and location-based COVID-19 guidelines.
Link to Strategic Plan: The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process and associated plan updates supports a Nanaimo that's livable, environmentally sustainable and full of opportunity for everyone.
Key Points
- The first phase of REIMAGINE NANAIMO (the idea gathering phase) has been extended to November 30, 2020.
- There will be REIMAGINE NANAIMO pop-up booths around the City for the next two weekends: Saturday, October 17, 2020, noon to 4 pm (Woodgrove Centre), Sunday, October 18, 2020, noon to 4 pm (Country Club Centre), Saturday, October 24, 2020, noon to 4 pm (Nanaimo North Town Centre), and Sunday, October 25, 2020, noon to 4 pm (University Village Shopping Centre).
"You have some amazing ideas, Nanaimo! Ideas such as a saltwater pool, support for a foot ferry to the mainland, ideas around housing affordability, and we've even had a suggestion for a downtown ferris wheel. Big or small, share them all! Together we will create the roadmap that will guide Nanaimo to a wonderful future."
"Every person in a community should have a chance to share their thoughts, ideas and feedback for how their community grows. REIMAGINE NANAIMO is an important chance for members of our community to influence how our City evolves as we live, work and play over the next 10 to 25 years!"
Quick Facts
- REIMAGINE NANAIMO is an integrated process that will support the creation of several guiding plans through one streamlined engagement process. The process is intended to understand what matters most to the Nanaimo community and use these insights to set a future destination.
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