Rebates offer better indoor air quality while reducing GHG emissions from homes
CleanBC and the City offer home improvement rebates for clean heating solutions
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed October 19, 2020 9:00 AM
For homeowners waiting for a great time to switch their oil or other fossil fuel heating systems to a cleaner and more earth-friendly system, the time may now be right. With a new 'Double the Rebates' program in place, the City of Nanaimo is working with the CleanBC Better Homes Program to encourage homeowners to switch their home's primary heating source from fossil fuel (oil, natural gas or propane) heating to an electric air-source heat pump. For qualifying heat pump upgrades, the rebates can be substantial (up to $6000).
In addition to the CleanBC rebates, the City of Nanaimo is offering additional top-ups for qualifying upgrades. These include $350 for electric air-source heat pumps, $350 for heat pump water heaters and an additional $500 for electrical service upgrades (100, 200, and 400 amp service) that are needed to accommodate switching to an air-source heat pump or heat pump water heater. The City also has top-ups for homes that undergo a pre- and post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation.
CleanBC also has rebates for other home improvements, such as upgraded windows, heat pump water heaters, insulation and smaller rebates for other primary heating source system upgrades. CleanBC's new Double the Rebates program is being offered for renovations installed and invoiced between October 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. To claim a rebate, homeowners need to register online for a rebate code. Learn more at
Link to Strategic Plan: In 2019, Nanaimo's City Council declared a state of climate emergency. This program actively supports Council's strategic planning and Environmental Responsibility.
Key Points
- CleanBC also has rebates for other home improvements, such as upgraded windows, heat pump water heaters, insulation and smaller rebates for other primary heating source system upgrades. CleanBC's new Double the Rebates program is being offered for renovations installed and invoiced between October 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.
- The City of Nanaimo is offering additional top-ups for qualifying upgrades, including $350 for electric air-source heat pumps, $350 for heat pump water heaters and an additional $500 for electrical service upgrades. $150 is available towards EnerGuide Home Assessments as well.
- To claim a rebate, homeowners need to register online for a rebate code. Learn more at
"These rebates will hopefully encourage homeowners that are still burning GHG-emitting fossil fuels to make the switch to a more planet-friendly heating system, both for a more comfortable and efficient home and to lessen the home's impact on our environment. The timing of these rebates has another added benefit - stimulus for our economy which has suffered during this pandemic. It's really a win-win-win opportunity."
"There are still far too many homes in Nanaimo that burn oil as their primary source of heating. Heating oil is a well-known cause of greenhouse gas emmisions, and it also has the potential for a backyard disaster. Both underground and above ground oil tanks rust and wear down over time in our climate, and a leak could mean extensive and expensive soil cleanup. Switching to an electric air-source heat pump while these additional rebates are in place could save homeowners a lot in the long run."
Quick Facts
- The Clean BC Better Homes Rebate Program has many potential rebates available, and there are guidelines in place and requirements that must be met to qualify. Complete details can be found at
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