City seeking Parks, Recreation and Culture program proposals
Deadline approaching for 2021 Spring and Summer programs
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed October 20, 2020 10:46 AM
The City of Nanaimo's Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is inviting community members to showcase their skills as an instructor for the 2021 Spring and Summer season. Program proposals for a variety of areas, including dance, cooking, language, arts and crafts, music, outdoor recreation and more are now being accepted. Recreation staff are specifically calling for program proposals that focus on outdoor programs.
Applicants can now complete the process, including attaching their resume and other relevant certifications in an easy to use, one-step online form. Applicants should also consider how their program will follow COVID-19 safety protocols.
Proposals will be accepted until Friday, November 13, 2020.
Link to Strategic Plan: Links to the Livability and Environmental Responsibility themes, by supporting recreation as an integral part of everyday life and taking a leadership role in adapting the way we live, work, recreate and move.
Key Points
- Submissions received by 4:30 pm on Friday, November 13 will be considered for the 2021 Spring and Summer program season.
- Recreation staff are specifically calling for program proposals that focus on outdoor learning.
- The program proposal process has now moved to an online form. Hard copy submissions are no longer accepted. Supporting documents can be uploaded as attachments making the process streamlined.
- Proposals should include all details requested on the form, as well as an up-to-date copy of the applicant's resume (noting any teaching experience) and relevant awards/certificates. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions document (attached link) for a full overview of the requirements.
"As always, we are looking forward to receiving program proposals from members of our community. The variety we see each season is exciting and serves as a great reminder of how much talent and skill we have here in Nanaimo. By focusing on outdoor programs, our hope is to be able to offer a wide selection of options to citizens that follow COVID-19 protocols."
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