City implementing new Council voting record
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 25, 2020 3:00 PM
It is now possible to track how Council votes quickly and easily on the City website. The Council Voting Record Dashboard makes it easier for the public to see how individual members of Council voted on specific items, where previously they would have needed to manually search through meeting minutes.
City staff created the dashboard following a motion put forward by Council at their July 6, 2020 meeting. It includes voting at Council meetings going back to July 1, 2020 and will be updated after each Council meeting. Users can search for motion by: keywords, date, meeting type, or even by the Council member’s name or vote. Using the search feature will provide users with relevant motions and voting results.
The new Council Voting Record Dashboard is available on the Council Meetings web page at
Link to Strategic Plan: Implementing the Council Voting Record dashboard aims to provide new tools to assist the public in finding information while improving governance excellence through increased transparency.
Key Points
- The public can now track how Council votes, following Council meetings, quickly and easily through an online voting record dashboard.
- The Council Voting Record dashboard allows users to search for motions in a variety of ways and once the website is updated, will provide links to the corresponding agenda and/or video recording.
"The new Council Voting Record dashboard is a user friendly way to determine how a council member voted and includes the voting record of this Council back to July 1, 2020. Once the City's website is upgraded to the newest version of eScribe, this dashboard will also provide links to the corresponding meeting agenda and archived video recording."
Council Meeting Dashboard
Link to Council meeting dashboard direct web page
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