City sets up environmental photo-monitoring stations
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed June 8, 2021 8:00 AM
Over the course of one year, residents will have the opportunity to participate in a project to monitor environmental changes of restored habitat streams in eight Nanaimo parks. The City has contracted Chronolog photo-monitoring program on a trial basis to produce time-lapse videos from publicly-generated images.
Nanaimo is the first community in Canada to sign up for the service. Ten monitoring stations have been installed with a mounted frame oriented to a position from which a cell phone can take a photo. Each monitoring station includes instructions explaining how to submit an image to the Chronolog service and a short write-up on the restoration project at that location. A time-lapse series of images of the eight parks can be viewed on the City’s webpage
Link to Strategic Plan: Engaging residents and visitors by inviting them to help monitor the restoration and habitat enhancement of natural spaces supports Council's priority to be an environmentally responsible community.
Key Points
- The City has signed up for a one-year trial with Chronolog, an environmental photo monitoring project that creates time-lapse videos from publicly-generated photos.
- Ten monitoring stations have been set up at eight Nanaimo restoration sites. The monitored locations include Chase River (John Barsby School), Linley Point Gyro, Departure Bay Creek (Bay Street), Cat Stream (Third Street Park), Departure Bay Creek (Woodstream Park), Chase River (Harewood Centennial), Millstone River (East Wellington Parks) and Cat Stream (Robyn's Park).
- The time-lapse images preserve a record of ecological changes to determine restoration success.
"Changes in the environment are difficult to see and understand because they happen gradually. We are excited to engage the public to help us monitor these changes in an interactive way, providing greater opportunity to learn more about the volunteer groups involved in the restoration work that will help build a more resilient and ecologically diverse park system for the future."
Quick Facts
- Chronolog is an environmental photo-monitoring service based in the United States that supports public environmental education by creating an online platform highlighting dozens of environmental restoration projects in North America and the United Kingdom.
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