A new e-bidding solution for suppliers simplifies the bidding process
City switches to bids&tenders eProcurement platform on July 19, 2021
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed July 6, 2021 10:00 AM
The bidding process for purchasing and contract work with the City is changing from a manual procurement process to the bids&tenders eProcurement platform as of July 19, 2021.
The new, more automated application system includes a supplier portal at https://nanaimo.bidsandtenders.ca. Suppliers will now be able to create an account ahead of time, schedule notifications according to selected preferences, and log-in to apply for opportunities of interest. As well as simplifying the application for suppliers, this new platform also streamlines each stage of the selection process for the City, from posting new opportunities to awarding projects and contracts, to evaluating supplier performance.
Open opportunities will still be available for public viewing on the City's website without registering for an account.
Registration on the new procurement platform is free. The City of Nanaimo and bids&tenders will be holding an information session on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 10 am to introduce the process to interested potential suppliers. The session will be recorded and available online following the session as well.
Please visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/bids for more information and to register.
Link to Strategic Plan: Switching to the bids&tenders eProcurement platform increases the City's purchasing efficiency and supports Governance Excellence.
Key Points
- The bidding process for purchasing and contract work with the City is changing from a manual procurement process to the bids&tenders eProcurement platform as of July 19, 2021.
- The new bids&tenders eProcurement platform will simplify the City's procurement process, saving time and creating a much more efficient process. For suppliers, the interface will be seamless and simplify the bidding process.
- The City of Nanaimo and bids&tenders will be holding an information session on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 10 am to introduce the process to interested potential suppliers. The session will be recorded and available online following the session as well. Please visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/bids for more information and to register.
"The City handles millions of dollars in new contracts every year as we maintain and add to our more than 3 billion dollars in infrastructure. It’s a rather large piggy bank, so anything that improves our processes when spending those dollars is going to be a win for us all."
Quick Facts
- bids&tenders is a leading digital procurement platform that connects buyers and suppliers through an online marketplace. bids&tenders will simplify each stage of the City's procurement process, from posting opportunities to awarding projects and contracts, to even evaluating supplier performance. For suppliers, the new platform is more intuitive with a more seamless user interface.
- Open opportunities will still be available for public viewing on the City's website without registering for an account.
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