Nanaimo Public Works responds to atmospheric river event
Departmental Operations Centre activated to prioritize and support response
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 15, 2021 2:15 PM
Nanaimo has seen between 125 mm and 150 mm rain in the three days since the current storm started on Friday, November 12. Since the beginning of November, a total of almost 280 mm has fallen on Nanaimo. In response, Nanaimo Public Works has activated its Departmental Operations Centre (DOC) to be in a position to direct resources to priority areas quickly, or support requests from other communities.
Nanaimo is fortunate to have avoided the misfortunes of communities outside our borders, such as within the Regional District of Nanaimo at the lower Nanaimo River, or North Cowichan near Chemainus. Nor are there any reported mudslides impacting travel within our community. Nevertheless, the City advises taking precaution, with the ground saturated and the potential for winds to pick up this afternoon. Trees may be unstable and topple. Residents should be prepared for power outages and note that BC Hydro will be very busy responding.
There is some localized flooding and potential for road closures at the following locations:
- Bruce Avenue and Ninth Street - washout due to construction
- Szasz Drive - localized flooding possible
- Nanaimo Lakes Rd south of Mount Benson - localized flooding possible
- Lawlor Ave / Twelfth St - localized flooding possible
- Biggs Road; at Bridge at Millstone River and/or east of Deerwood Blvd
- Wakesiah Avenue at Catstream (north of Third St)
- Thirteenth St at Wexford Creek
- Pine Street near Catstream
Environment Canada anticipates the rain will subside this afternoon, which will hopefully accompany decreasing risks.
Link to Strategic Plan: Excellence in good governance and ensuring a resilient community.
Key Points
- Residents can report any concerns to Public Works at 250-758-5222.
- Sand and empty sandbags are available at Public Works Operations Yard 2020 Labieux Rd. Please bring your own shovel.
- Keep away from fast flowing streams and rivers, as banks may be unstable.
- Use caution when in Nanaimo's parks - trees may be susceptible to toppling in high winds.
"Nanaimo is fortunate to have resilient infrastructure, allowing us to avoid the unfortunate circumstances we are seeing around the Province today. All the same, I encourage citizens to limit unnecessary travel and use caution in our forests or near streams. This is a good opportunity to ensure your emergency kit is replenished and ready to go."

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