Design Commercial - Downtown ReImagined!
Reimagining Nanaimo's downtown begins with public engagement
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 22, 2021 1:30 PM
A public engagement campaign to gather more input on Nanaimo's Commercial Street area has begun and, along with feedback already gathered through the REIMAGINE NANAIMO campaign, will help to guide future downtown designs. Commercial Street is the traditional meeting place, commercial centre and transportation hub for our community. Back in 2011, Commercial Street was recognized as one of the Great Places in Canada by the Canadian Institute of Planners due to its mix of historical buildings and lively commercial activity.
The City has made significant investments in Commercial Street over the past 10 years with the construction of the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, securing the new Marriot Hotel and acquiring key redevelopment sites at Commercial Street and Terminal Avenue.
While Commercial Street has many positive attributes, the public realm has become tired and there is an opportunity to refresh this important area of downtown. The action plan will incorporate the needs of local businesses and enhance opportunities for community events. Features such as public art, surface finishes, street trees and lighting will be reviewed through this process.
Design Commercial will rely heavily on an engagement process which will include meetings, walking tours, interviews and design studio open houses with public participants, key stakeholders, Mayor and Council, and City staff.
Engagement events begin this week and will be used to develop and evolve ideas into design options as the City moves towards a final master plan.
For a more detailed look at the project, key dates, upcoming events, and to take part in a very short survey, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Public Engagement is a key factor in redesigning public spaces and supports Council's commitment to Governance Excellence.
Key Points
- Design Commercial - Downtown ReImagined is a public engagement campaign to gather more input on Nanaimo's Commercial Street area and, along with feedback already gathered through the REIMAGINE NANAIMO campaign, will help to guide future downtown designs.
- Design Commercial will rely heavily on an engagement process which will include meetings, walking tours, interviews and design studio open houses with public participants, key stakeholders, Mayor and Council, and City staff.
- Design Studio Open Houses are being held between 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Tuesday, November 23 and Wednesday, November 24. Public Presentations are taking place November 23 between 6:00 - 8:00 pm and Thursday, November 25 between 5:00 - 7:00 pm.
"Commercial Street rightfully earned its Greatest Street in Canada title a decade ago, and it remains a beautiful place to shop, meet a friend for coffee, or stroll beneath the Christmas lights. The question now is, how do we take this great place and make it even better? That’s where your feedback comes in, Nanaimo."
Quick Facts
- In 2011, Commercial Street was recognized as one of the Great Places in Canada by the Canadian Institute of Planners through its Great Places in Canada program, due to Nanaimo's mix of historical buildings and lively commercial activity.
Design Commercial - Downtown ReImagined
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