Phase Two of REIMAGINE NANAIMO Complete
Engagement Summary Now Online
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 23, 2021 9:00 AM
Between June and September 2021, Phase 2 of REIMAGINE NANAIMO gathered input from over 2,300 survey or workshop participants on different scenarios for Nanaimo’s future development. The second phase of Council's REIMAGINE NANAIMO project is now complete and the Public Engagement Summary is available on the project website.
The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process is an integrated approach to planning that considers all aspects of community development over the next 25 years. The outcome will be a City Plan that incorporates an updated Official Community Plan, a new Climate Action Plan, a revised Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan, a new Active Transportation Plan, and other supporting documents. The City Plan will be accompanied by an Action Plan that outlines the projects and programs that will implement the City Plan over the next 10 to 25 years.
Engagement opportunities included virtual workshops, a foundations feedback form and an interactive survey. Outreach and public participation also came from non-traditional forms of engagement such as pop-ups in City parks and at local events, a series of videos on social media (including on a new REIMAGINE TikTok account), project promotion at the Beban vaccination clinic, and art kits in schools and libraries.
Congratulations to all survey and workshop prize draw winners who have been contacted to receive their gift certificate to a local eatery or grocery store.
The third and final phase 3 of REIMAGINE NANAIMO will begin in January 2022. Be sure to subscribe to the City's online public engagement platform, Get Involved Nanaimo to be a part of REIMAGINE NANAIMO.
Link to Strategic Plan: The REIMAGINE NANAIMO project aligns with Council's Strategic Priority of Governance Excellence.
Key Points
- REIMAGINE NANAIMO is a process to develop a new City Plan that provides an integrated vision for Nanaimo's next 25 years as a socially just and environmentally responsible city.
- Phase 2 of REIMAGINE NANAIMO gathered input from over 2,300 survey or workshop participants on different scenarios for Nanaimo’s future development over three months (June to September 2021).
- Stay up to date on Phase 3 activities by subscribing to and find out about future opportunities to have your say.
"It has been wonderful to have so many community members take time through the Phase 2 of REIMAGINE NANAIMO to give us their detailed thoughts on different options for Nanaimo's future. I am looking forward to the final step of this process which will bring together a range of ideas for a collaborative vision for Nanaimo's next 25 years."
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