Upgrades to Harewood Centennial Playground
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 26, 2021 11:47 AM
Visitors to the Harewood Centennial Playground will find various additions thanks to a partnership between the City of Nanaimo, Lion's Club of Nanaimo and Kal Tire's Replay Fund. Some project highlights include the addition of:
- 1,450 square metres of rubber surfacing (approximately 670 used tires were used)
- A wheelchair accessible all-inclusive Orbit play feature
- Four belt swings
- Two baby seat swings
- Two accessible seat swings
These playground enhancements will allow those with various diverse abilities to play at the playground. The budget for this project was $74,949 with $31,200 coming from Lions Club of Nanaimo and a $5,000 grant awarded through the Kal Tire's Replay Fund.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing enhancements to our play spaces supports a livable community.
Key Points
- The Nanaimo Lions Club has been serving the Nanaimo area for over 70 years. They have contributed to many community projects, including the Lions Pavilion in Maffeo Sutton Park, the Lions Great Bridge across the Millstone River and lacrosse boxes that all enhance Nanaimo's parks and open spaces
- Kal Tire's Replay Fund enhances community facilities with safe, functional and lasting recycled rubber products. Rubber surfacing was added to the playground recycling approximately 670 tires.
- Harewood Centennial Park is one of Nanaimo's biggest parks and is home to a playground, youth skate park, water park, sports fields, trails and the outdoor covered sports court.
"Harewood Centennial Park has seen many improvements over the last couple of years, including a new skateboard park, outdoor covered sports court and trail improvements. These latest additions to the playground provide additional play opportunities for citizens with diverse abilities and show what can be done when community partners work together."

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