Temporary swimming schedules will continue
Beban Pool continues to undergo repairs
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 2, 2021 2:44 PM
Swimming schedules at both the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre and Beban Park Pool will continue to follow a modified schedule until further notice in an effort to accommodate as many patrons in the pools as possible while Beban Pool continues to undergo repairs.
Despite several courses of action to fix, the latest attempt has been delayed largely due to the flooding being experienced throughout the province leading to transportation and freight delivery stops. In particular, a sealant that will be applied to the bottom half of the pool is not able to make it here with extensive road closures and the Province’s mandate of essential travel only.
The main tank at Beban Pool is closed, but the leisure pool, hot tub, steam room, sauna and teaching pool are open. The temporary schedule at Beban continues to accommodate the public for drop in swim sessions. In addition, the Beban Park weight room remains open.
Swimming lesson registration for the winter set that was scheduled for December 15 will now be delayed until 2022. Once a date for the full opening of Beban Park Pool is confirmed, a new date will be chosen and communicated to the community.
To see the latest schedule, please visit recreation.nanaimo.ca (drop in), and look for a holiday schedule that will be effect from December 18 until January 2.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing opportunities to recreate supports a liveable community.
Key Points
- Beban Pool and Nanaimo Aquatic Centre will continue to follow modified swim schedule as Beban Pool's main tank is repaired. A holiday schedule will be in effect from December 18 to January 2.
- Winter swimming lesson registration will be delayed until early 2022.
"The modified swimming schedules at both Beban Park Pool and Nanaimo Aquatic Centre will continue to be in place while we wait for supplies to fix Beban Pool. Following the provincial mandate of essential travel and transport only is so important to allow other needed supplies to get to the communities that have been greatly impacted by the major storm systems over the last few weeks. Staff is working very hard to ensure that Beban Pool will be fully operational as soon as possible."
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