Annual fall catch basin cleaning program begins Nov. 7
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 4, 2022 9:15 AM
On Monday, Nov. 7, City of Nanaimo Public Works staff and contractors will start cleaning the City's stormwater catch basins.
The program will focus on cleaning catch basins along Nanaimo's busiest roadways. Since this work involves large equipment, please slow down, approach with caution and obey the directions of traffic control persons. Work will take place for four weeks and will wrap up on Friday, Dec. 2.
During the program, storm sewer grates are pulled off and the catch basin is then cleaned out using a vacuum truck. The material is then separated from any water, dried and taken to a regeneration facility. Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are asked to watch for crews and traffic control personnel on the roads, and be aware of missing grates near the work zone.
With the large quantity of neighbourhood catch basins/storm drains throughout Nanaimo, the City of Nanaimo calls upon residents to clear the tops of storm drains near their homes where it is safe to do so. Keeping catch basins clear helps to avoid flooding in our neighbourhoods when heavy rains or snowfall come. Watch this how-to video for a simple tutorial on clearing catch basins.
While clearing neighbourhood storm drains is straight-forward and generally safe, residents are asked to avoid culverts and to stay out of ditches. Should a culvert need to be cleared, please report it to Public Works at 250-758-5222.
Link to Strategic Plan: The catch basin cleaning program promotes the City's priorities of Governance Excellence and Environmental Responsibility through the regular maintenance and inspection of City assets and diverting pollutants from waterways.
Key Points
- For four weeks beginning Monday, Nov. 7, City of Nanaimo Public Works staff and contractors will be out cleaning the City's stormwater catch basins.
- During the program, storm sewer grates are pulled off and the catch basin is then cleaned out using a vacuum truck. The material is then separated from any water, dried and taken to a regeneration facility.
- Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are asked to watch for crews and traffic control personnel on the roads, and be aware of missing grates near the work zone.
"Regular maintenance of stormwater infrastructure helps divert pollutants from waterways, and ensures rainwater can drain away quickly. Maintenance also supports the City's asset management goals by identifying any deficiencies that may need repairing. Residents can help ensure good drainage by clearing leaves away from catchbasins and private drains."
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