Search for the Frosty Bucket
A holiday twist on the traditional Golden Bucket search
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 5, 2022 12:02 PM
The City of Nanaimo Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture is inviting adventurous residents to "Search for the Frosty Bucket" stickers this holiday season for a chance to win some great prizes, including tickets to the Activate 2023 event - a new year's day event held at Beban Park.
This version of the usual bucket search is a little different this time with participants finding 12 words, unscrambing those words and then creating a phrase.
Here is how to play:
Use the daily clue from Facebook or on the website to discover a local street name or park. (HINT: pay close attention to the bolded words).
Find a park or trail linked to this neighbourhood.
Use a QR Reader App to pull up a hidden word.
Find all 12 locations and all 12 words and then unscramble the words to come up with a special phrase.
Send in the 12-word phrase through the online form for a chance to win a Parks, Recreation and Culture Gift Pack!
Clues will be posted each morning starting December 12 until December 23 or view all of the clues at once on the City of Nanaimo website. The contest closes Wednesday, December 28 at 4:30 pm.
Link to Strategic Plan: Search for the Frosty Bucket Contest supports creating a livable community as identified in the City of Nanaimo's Strategic Plan.
Key Points
- Clues will be posted daily through Facebook and on the City of Nanaimo website from December 12 until December 23.
- Participants will decipher clues to find a street in a neighbourhood that is related to a park or trail to find the Frosty Bucket Stickers. The stickers contain a QR Code that will show a one of 12 words that will become a phrase.
"Take some time this holiday season to participate in the Frosty Bucket Sticker challenge. Searching for the Frosty Bucket Sticker is a great reason to get outside and explore some of the amazing neighbourhoods, parks and trails around Nanaimo. You may even discover a park you've never been to before!"
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