Plenty of holiday activities with Parks, Recreation and Culture
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 14, 2022 10:34 AM
There are many options for holiday activities with Parks, Recreation and Culture for the community.
The "Frosty Bucket Sticker Search" is back this year and goes until December 22. One clue will be posted each day for 12 days. Clues are posted on the City of Nanaimo Facebook page and on the website. Clues will help searchers locate a park. Once there, a sticker will need to be located that can be scanned (QR Code). Each clue scanned reveals a word. Discover the twelve words from the twelve clues, unscramble the phrase and enter for a chance to win a Parks, Recreation and Culture gift pack. Keen players may view all of the clues at once on the website.
Swimmers will want to check out the "Snowball Swim" at Beban Park Pool on Sunday, December 18, 9 am-12 pm where participants will enjoy winter-themed activities complete with games, arts, crafts and more.
Santa will be visiting Nanaimo arenas this year for two special "Skates with Santa". The first one will be held on Wednesday, December 21, 6:30-8 pm at Frank Crane Arena and again on Thursday, December 22, 6:15-7:45 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre.
Frank Crane Arena is hosting its annual "Winter Wonderland" where it will be transformed into a Snow Globe. These annual skating sessions takes place on December 24 and again on December 26-30 with a variety of community business and organization sponsoring these skating sessions. This year, all sessions are free and include helmet or skate rentals. If you are a business or local organization and would like to sponsor a session, please contact the Arenas Department at the City of Nanaimo for details. It is a great way to get exposure for your business with as many 6,000 skaters attending this popular event. The specific skating sessions for the event is posted on the City website.
On January 1, the community is invited to "Activate 2023" . This is a New Year's Day event held at Beban Park from 12-5 pm and includes swimming at Beban Pool, skating at both Frank Crane Arena and Cliff McNabb Arena, arts, crafts, sports, bouncy castles a StoryWalk and more. Both a food truck and concession will be on site. Tickets are available in advance at the Beban Park Pool office or on the day of the event. Tickets are $10 each, or get a Festive Five Pack for $35.
Drop-in swimming, skating and gymnasium sports will be available throughout the holiday season, and there are options for daycamp at Beban Social Centre or hockey and skating camps at Cliff McNabb Arena. Please check the City of Nanaimo website for the latest options and schedules.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing residents with quality recreation opportunities enhances the livability of our City.
Key Points
- Winter Wonderland takes place at Frank Crane Arena on December 24 and again on December 26-30. It offers a variety of skating sessions where admission is free due to the generosity of business and community sponsors.
- Activate, the first ever New Year's Day event, is happening on Sunday, January 1, 12-5 pm at Beban Park. Tickets are available in advance or at the event.
- The Frosty Bucket Sticker search happens from December 12 to 23. Participants will have a chance to win a Parks, Recreation and Culture Gift pack that includes tickets to Activate 2023 and other prizes.
"I invite the entire community to participate in one or all of the holiday activities that are happening with Parks, Recreation and Culture. From Winter Wonderland to Activate, there is something for everyone. I wish all a happy holiday season and a healthy, happy and prosperous new year."
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