City mails 2023 property tax notices
Save time and pay online
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed May 30, 2023 12:30 PM
Nanaimo residents are encouraged to check their mailboxes and email accounts for their 2023 Property Tax notices that were sent out last week. Property owners can skip the line and pay their property taxes online through their financial institution. Another option is to set up a pre-authorized withdrawal plan with the City of Nanaimo.
Along with their tax notices, residents will find this year's City Updates newsletter where they can learn about how taxes are calculated and used, how to find information on the Property Tax Deferral program and how to claim the Home Owner Grant. In addition, the newsletter features information on City projects, summer events in Nanaimo's parks, and more. The newsletter is also available to view on the City website at
Property tax payments are due on July 4, 2023. For more information on taxes, Home Owner Grants and other ways to pay, visit To learn how tax dollars are allotted, see the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Quick Facts at
Link to Strategic Plan: N/A
Key Points
- July 4, 2023 is the due date for property tax payments and, if eligible, to claim the Home Owner Grant. Skip the line up and pay property taxes online. A late payment penalty of two per cent will be applied to payments received after July 4, 2023 and another eight per cent will be applied for ones made after Aug. 31, 2023.
- To apply for the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan, property owners must complete the form on the City website at
- The average home will pay an additional $178.50 in City of Nanaimo taxes for 2023. Additional levies will come from the following government agencies: Vancouver Island Regional Library, Regional District of Nanaimo, Regional Hospital District, School District #68, BC Assessment and the Municipal Finance Authority.
- BC Assessment is responsible for the valuation of properties within the City of Nanaimo. The overall residential assessment values in Nanaimo have increased by an average of 12 per cent, with the average 2023 single family home valued at $808,873. Visit for more information.
"There are plenty of ways to pay your City of Nanaimo property taxes, including online. You can reduce your tax bill by claiming your Home Owner grant before July 4. Grant applications as well as tax deferrals are processed directly through the Province."
Quick Facts
- The City of Nanaimo also collects taxes on behalf of the following government bodies and agencies: School District 68, Hospital, Search & Rescue, BC Assessment, Regional District of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island Regional Library and Municipal Finance Authority.
- BC Assessment is responsible for the valuation of properties within the City of Nanaimo. Visit for more information.
- The City owns in excess of $3 billion in infrastructure (2017 Asset Management Update). The City maintains these assets using a number of resources including the general, sewer and water asset management reserve funds that were created in 2013.
- Other ways to pay taxes include in person at the Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street); dropping off a cheque payment in the drop box located outside the Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street) and by mailing a cheque payment using the postage-paid return envelope included in the tax notice package.
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