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/ News & Events / Homeowners urged to be FireSmart and protect their property
Homeowners urged to be FireSmart and protect their property
Simple steps can make a big difference
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed June 23, 2023 9:30 AM
Homeowners can play an important role in wildfire prevention with some simple steps that reduce the risk of fire spreading to their property.
There are several things that make a home a FireSmart one. The homeowner should consider:
- the construction of the home itself,
- the yard and landscaping,
- the vegetation and fuels, and
- property access.
FireSmart BC offers online videos and manuals with information on things everyone can do to protect their homes, such as:
- remove combustible surface material in the area within 10 metres of the house's perimeter
- make sure trees are spaced at least three metres apart
- prune all branches that are within two metres of the ground
- keep roofs free of combustible materials so embers do not have a place to collect (roofs should be made of fire-resistant materials such as clay, asphalt and metal)
- the chimney should have a spark arrestor to reduce the chance of sparks and embers escaping
- gutters should be free of debris and screened if possible
- eaves and vents should be screened with 3 mm wire mesh; soffits and fascia should be properly fitted as well
- siding like stucco, metal siding, brick and concrete have superior fire resistance
- windows should be tempered, thermal or double-paned
- doors should be fire rated and have a good seal; weather strip garage doors to prevent embers from entering.
For more information, visit firesmartbc.ca.
Link to Strategic Plan: n/a
Key Points
- FireSmart BC is a provincial resource that anyone can use to make their home and community safer.
- Go to FireSmartBC.ca to learn more about the FireSmart program and locate resources.
"FireSmart BC is working hard to help us stay safe. Doing everything we can to prevent the spread of wildfires and protect our homes and property is worth the effort, for ourselves and our communities."
Deputy Chief
Nanaimo Fire Rescue
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