One week left in the 2023 AAP for Nanaimo Operations Centre Phase One
Process runs until Nov. 3, 2023
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed October 27, 2023 10:00 AM
The Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to gain resident’s permission to borrow an amount not to exceed $48,500,000 to finance the cost of construction of Phase 1 of the Nanaimo Operation Centre (NOC) runs until Nov. 3, 2023. Eligible voters in Nanaimo will have one week left to vote against the borrowing bylaw and may do so by filling out a response form which is available at City Hall and can be printed off from the City website.
As in an election, each eligible voter is permitted one response. Completed forms must be dropped off or mailed to City Hall by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023; the City cannot accept copies of forms or ones that are emailed or faxed.
For more information on the Nanaimo Operations Centre Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at, and for more information on the project visit
Link to Strategic Plan: N/A
Key Points
- The Nanaimo Operations Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362 is the first in this project consisting of four phases over a number of years to replace and consolidate public works and parks operations onto one site.
- Future phases of the NOC project, that require additional borrowing, will also need to attain consent of electors through an AAP or Referendum.
- The Alternative Approval Process for Phase One will remain open until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023.
- If 10 per cent or more of eligible voters submit an Alternative Approval Process form in opposition, the borrowing bylaw will be brought back to Council to determine if Council would like to proceed with the matter and next steps.
"The Province provides guidelines for best practices on when to hold an AAP versus a referendum. When deciding whether to proceed with an AAP or referendum, Council considers these best practices, the need for continued services and the costs of running an AAP versus a referendum."
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