City, RDN awarded grant to support Woodgrove Area complete community

JOINT NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 2, 2023 1:30 PM
The City of Nanaimo, in partnership with the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), have been awarded a $200,000 Complete Communities grant to fund an assessment in support of the Woodgrove Area becoming a complete community. The funding is provided by the BC Ministry of Housing and administered by the Union of BC Municipalities to support local governments in the creation of more ‘complete communities’. A complete community provides a diversity of housing and a wide range of employment opportunities, amenities and transportation services.
City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined identifies the Woodgrove Urban Centre as one of seven urban centres envisioned to become complete communities, and where the majority of the City’s future growth will be focused. The Woodgrove Urban Centre is the City’s northern most urban centre and shares a boundary with the RDN and the District of Lantzville. The RDN’s Transit Redevelopment Strategy designates the Woodgrove Area as a key travel destination with a major transit exchange that acts as a gateway between the south and north of the region.
The funding for this assessment will inform land use decisions, ways to improve transportation networks, streamline infrastructure improvements and explore opportunities to create a more compact, complete, and accessible community.
Read City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined on the City's website. For more information about the Transit Redevelopment Strategy, read the report on the RDN's website.
"The concept behind a complete community is quite simple – create well-planned neighbourhoods that allow people to live, work, and access services close to home. Beyond the concept though, there’s a lot of complexity and a grant like this is a great step towards making complete communities happen; communities that, when in place, will provide more housing, improved transportation options, and offer services and other amenities within walking distance, all while fostering a sense of community."
"An important part of supporting and creating complete communities is developing well-connected active transportation and transit networks, which is a priority of the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN). This grant will help the RDN and the City of Nanaimo continue to work together to improve ways we travel to, and within, the Woodgrove Area."
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