Expression of Interest open for second warming centre location
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 9, 2023 11:30 AM
The City of Nanaimo is seeking a second warming centre location and operator for unsheltered people this winter. Community organizations that have a location and the expertise to provide this service are invited to respond to an ‘expression of interest’. Organizations wishing to partner for the warming centre are encouraged to apply as well.
Nanaimo currently has one City-funded warming centre, which will be open from Nov. 2023 to March 2024 and operated by Risebridge Society, located at 520 Prideaux Street. Many other organizations provide other services to vulnerable people in Nanaimo throughout the year and can be found on the “Services and Supports” page of the City website. At the same time, the City is advocating to the Provincial government to provide funding and supports in Nanaimo that matches the scale of the humanitarian crisis in our streets, so that the shelter and health needs of our vulnerable population can adequately be addressed.
In addition, the following City of Nanaimo resolution was endorsed at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) convention in Sept. 2023:
“BC Housing, the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, and health authorities ensure that they support local governments with commitments to provide resourcing for dedicated predetermined long-term locations for warming/cooling centres as well as appropriately qualified professionals experienced in managing community members with high health needs including mental health and substance use disorders.”
The Expression of Interest is open until Nov. 17, 2023 and can be found on the City's bids&tenders site.
Link to Strategic Plan: Warming centre services supports Council’s goal for a Healthy Nanaimo.
Key Points
- The City of Nanaimo is now accepting expression of interests for organizations willing and able to run an additional warming centre in Nanaimo, with a deadline of Friday, Nov. 17, 2023 at 3 p.m.
- Warming centre services will provide refuge to unsheltered individuals during cold weather and connect individuals to basic need services.
"Council would like to extend their gratitude to Risebridge Society and other organizations who are willing and able to work quickly to establish warming centre services. We are pleased to work with our community partners to provide a safe warm place for unsheltered people to access during cold weather."
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