2024 City of Nanaimo Street Banner design marks 150 Years since incorporation
Design by Amy Pye selected to bring artistic vibrance along Nanaimo's streets next year
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 15, 2023 1:00 PM
The 2024 Street Banner Design Program sought proposals from artists focused on the theme, ‘150 Years’, to mark 150 years since the City of Nanaimo’s incorporation in 1874. Nanaimo artist Amy Pye’s outstanding design was selected.
Potential artists were asked to consider what makes Nanaimo unique, what makes it a destination of choice, and what might capture and reflect positive memories of our community. Pye’s design reflects an appreciation for the complexity of our city. Inspired by the convergence of land and sea, and the unique blend of urban and rural life that makes our landscape truly exceptional, Pye’s design will grab attention and inspire thoughtful reflection throughout the year. ‘150’ becomes more than just a number, and instead takes on life and transformative shape as it tells its story.
Rural tradition meets urban innovation in a harmonious visual balance between nature and our modern city, as recognizable symbols of our diverse landscape transform the shape of the 1-5-0 and cascade down the banner. Fertile countryside meets bustling city streets; the flight of an eagle reveals the bounties of the sea; a soaring seaplane finds the solid structures of an urban center. These dynamic relationships are highlighted by the artist, coming to life as balanced opposites.
Amy Pye has been immersed in the Graphic Design industry for the past 20 years. During that time, she has also delved into various artistic pursuits including mural design, acrylic and watercolour painting, pottery and illustration. She is a published children’s book author and illustrator, the owner of Pye Design and Marketing, and the Head of Marketing for Real Estate Webmasters. She has contributed to civic urban design and artwork related to city infrastructure for the City of Nanaimo as an artist on the Urban Design Roster for the past two years. Find out more about Amy by visiting her website: www.amypye.com
2024 street banners will be on display in spring 2024 and hung in Nanaimo’s downtown area, including in the Arts District downtown, along Bowen Road, and on Third Street and other major routes.
Link to Strategic Plan: The Street Banner Design Program aligns with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s City Plan by facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences; by making art visible and accessible throughout the City, in Urban Centres, and Downtown; by promoting the role that culture and the creative sector play in the community with respect to community identity and quality of life.
Key Points
- Nanaimo artist Amy Pye’s street banner design was chosen for the 2024 City of Nanaimo banners.
- The 2024 Street Banner Design Program sought proposals from artists focused on the theme ‘150 Years’ to mark 150 years since the City of Nanaimo’s incorporation in 1874.
- Pye’s design reflects an appreciation for the complexity of our city. Potential artists were asked to consider what makes Nanaimo unique, what makes it a destination of choice, and what might capture and reflect positive memories of our community.
- 2024 street banners will be on display in spring 2024 and hung in Nanaimo’s downtown area, including in the Arts District downtown, along Bowen Road, Third Street and other major routes.
"Each year we anticipate the unveiling of new street banners to brighten our city streets. The artwork chosen for the 2024 banners not only highlights the extraordinary talent and passion of a local artist, but reflects a deep love and appreciation for the city we call home."
"Nanaimo is my hometown and I recently returned after living in the US for a short period. The joy I felt upon learning that my banner was chosen surpassed the typical victory of a design competition. To me, it felt like a ‘welcome home’ gift—a waving banner guiding me back to my community. I am immensely proud to call Nanaimo home and to be chosen to depict this significant occasion."
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