Review process for City’s 2024 budget begins next week
Participate in the process and share your budget priorities
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 17, 2023 12:00 AM
Preparations are underway for the City of Nanaimo's 2024-2028 Financial Plan. Residents will have a number of opportunities to review, ask questions and provide input leading up to a budget-focused eTown Hall on Monday, Dec. 4.
Council will begin reviewing draft budgets and project plans over the course of four Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings on Nov. 22, 29 and Dec. 1. If necessary, Nov. 22 discussions will continue on Nov. 23 at 1 p.m. All meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre's Shaw Auditorium.
The eTown Hall will start at 7 p.m. during the Council Meeting and will run for one hour. If necessary, an additional 30 minutes will be allocated. Residents can participate in the eTown Hall a number of ways, including:
- on the City website at,
- on X (formally known as Twitter) using #NanaimoTH,
- in the eTown Hall event found on the City's Facebook page (,
- by calling 250-755-4251 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), or
- in person during the meeting.
In addition, a form has been added to a Budget Talks advertisements in the Nov. 15 and 29 editions of the Nanaimo News Bulletin, which residents can fill out and mail in to City Hall before Nov. 27 or drop off to City Hall before 4:30 pm on Dec. 1.
The draft financial plan and other related documents will be available to review at Anyone wishing to watch the meetings but cannot attend, can view them on the City website at or on Shaw Cable Channel 4 or BlueSky TV on 105.
Link to Strategic Plan: Being transparent in the budgeting process and providing opportunities for public input contribute to the strategic priority of Governance Excellence.
Key Points
- Four Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings focusing on the 2024 budget will be held on Nov. 22, 23, 29 and Dec. 1 and a budget-focused eTown Hall will be held on Dec. 4.
- The Draft Financial Plan is a starting point and may change as work progresses during the review process.
- If needed, Council will continue deliberations at a meeting scheduled for Dec. 6. Please check for up to date meeting information.
- In accordance with the Community Charter, municipalities must prepare a five-year financial plan each year. Councils must adopt the five-year financial plan before adopting a property tax bylaw by May 15.
"The City's budget process is a key step in delivering services to the community. I encourage Nanaimo's citizens to review the draft budget, view the budget presentations and join us at the e-Town Hall on Dec. 4."
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