Calling all youth artists!
The City of Nanaimo is seeking youth artists to submit designs for the Youth Lounge
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 6, 2023 10:00 AM
The City of Nanaimo is seeking submissions from Vancouver Island youth artists (ages 13 - 20) for an artistic design that will be used to celebrate and share information about the City’s Youth Lounge. The youth artist whose artwork is selected will receive a $500 honorarium.
Guidelines for submission includes artwork that:
- incorporates the words ‘Youth Lounge’;
- is two-dimensional (scale can be variable but the artwork must be portable);
- is colourful and dynamic; captures what you feel the Youth Lounge represents - what it means to you and other youth;
- is inclusive;
- is appropriate for families/ children;
- can be any format (digital, painting, drawing); artwork submitted in the form of an original painting/ drawing/ etc, will be digitized and original artwork returned to the artist
The Call for Youth Artists is open to youth between the ages of 13 and 20, who live on Vancouver Island, and have a connection to Nanaimo and/or understanding of this place.
The Youth Lounge is a free program for youth between the ages of 11-18yrs, offered in partnership with the BGC Central Vancouver Island. The Youth Lounge provides opportunities for youth to spend time with friends, make new friends, play games, find a quiet space to work independently, and engage with others in a fun, inclusive, supervised space. The Youth Lounge offers a variety of free activities such as swimming, skating, air hockey, foosball, video games, homework support, pizza nights and much more. Youth artists are invited to review the complete guidelines including requirements for submission and details on how to apply on the City’s website at
The deadline to submit applications is January 26th, 2024 by 4PM Pacific Time.
Link to Strategic Plan: Facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences; by making arts and culture visible and accessible throughout the city; by fostering equitable opportunities for all community members of different ages, abilities, and backgrounds to create, engage, experience, and contribute to Nanaimo’s arts and culture; by promoting the role that culture and the creative sector play in the community with respect to community identity and quality of life.
Key Points
- The City of Nanaimo is seeking submissions from Vancouver Island youth artists (ages 13 - 20) for an artistic design that will be used to celebrate and share information about the City’s Youth Lounge.
- Youth artists are invited to review the complete guidelines including requirements for submission and details on how to apply on the City’s website at
- The deadline to submit applications is January 26, 2024 by 4PM Pacific Time.
"This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to leave their mark on the cultural landscape of our community and create something truly special. I encourage our city’s talented young artists to apply to this opportunity and showcase their talent!"
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