Calling all artists! City of Nanaimo seeking proposals for Temporary Public Art

The City of Nanaimo announces a call for the 2025 Temporary Public Art Program


The City of Nanaimo is seeking artist proposals for Temporary Public Art to be initiated in 2024, and realized in 2025.

The Temporary Public Art Program offers artists of diverse backgrounds and skillsets the opportunity to create artwork for public spaces in Nanaimo. Artists can propose artworks that vary in scale, scope, and medium, including temporary sculptural installations, social practice and community engaged artist projects and artwork that is integrated into landscape, architecture or civic infrastructure. This open call asks for proposed projects to be realized in 2025 that must be able to endure for a period of 5 years.

The Temporary Public Art Program supports artists in the creation of new works, by providing necessary resources and staff support through the course of project development and realization. Over the past decade the Temporary Public Art program has grown and evolved as a longstanding commitment by the City to integrate artwork into public spaces. The Call for 2025 Temporary Public Art emphasizes site specificity, public engagement, and includes the option to propose projects for pre-approved sites or to propose alternate locations throughout the City.

The Temporary Public Art Program is open to all artists, working individually or in collaboration, and especially encourages applications from those who experience barriers of access due to gender identity/expression, racial identity or perception of disability. Applicants do not have to be a resident of Nanaimo, but must have significant experience with, and relationship to this place.

This application process will be completed in two stages. Initial applications will be reviewed and candidates selected following a panel review and possible interview process. The second stage will involve public engagement, communication with Project Coordinators, and final proposal approval. All proposals will be evaluated by a selection panel of City of Nanaimo staff and members of the Art in Public Spaces working group.

The deadline to submit applications is midnight, Sunday, Aug 11, 2024.

View application details and requirements on the City's website at:

Link to Strategic Plan: The Temporary Public Art Program aligns with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s City Plan by facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences; by making art visible and accessible throughout the City, in Urban Centres, and Downtown; by promoting the role that culture and the creative sector play in the community with respect to community identity and quality of life; and by making art accessible and freely available to everyone throughout the community to experience and enjoy.

Key Points

  • The City of Nanaimo is seeking proposals from artists for Temporary Public Art to be initiated in 2024, and realized in 2025.
  • The Temporary Public Art Program offers artists of diverse backgrounds and skillsets the opportunity to create artwork for public spaces in Nanaimo.
  • The Temporary Public Art Program is open to all artists, working individually or in collaboration, and especially encourages applications from those who experience barriers of access due to gender identity/expression, racial identity or perception of disability.
  • The deadline to submit applications is midnight PST, Sunday, Aug 11, 2024.


"By supporting and showcasing public art in our community, we foster unique cultural experiences for all to access and enjoy. It’s an exciting time as we ask artists to submit to the Temporary Public Art annual call, and we look forward to the diverse and imaginative projects that will result."

City of Nanaimo




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