Alternative approval process for public works yard updates to begin in September


At their July 29, 2024 meeting, Nanaimo City Council passed three readings of the borrowing bylaw to replace the fleet and works crew/administration buildings and upgrade the storm water management system in the City's public works yard. The Public Works Yard Updates Borrowing Bylaw 2024 No. 7386 will now be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for review and approval by the Inspector of Municipalities. If approved, the City will be able to begin an alternative approval process (AAP) to borrow up to $90 million for the project.

Once approved, the AAP is expected to begin on Sept. 18, 2024 and run until 4:30 p.m. Oct. 31, 2024. More information on the AAP and the Public Works Yard Updates Project will be released in the coming weeks. To stay up to date, visit

Link to Strategic Plan: The updates to the public works yard support Council's commitment to planning for, maintaining and growing City services that are responsive to our community's evolving quality-of-life needs.

Key Points

  • Approval by the Inspector of Municipalities must be obtained prior to a local government proceeding with an alternative approval process. If approved, the AAP is expected to begin on Sept. 18, 2024 and run until 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2024.
  • The Public Works Yard Update Project will see the replacement of the aging fleet and works crew/administration buildings along with storm water management upgrades.
  • During an AAP, if 10 per cent or more of eligible voters submit an elector response form in opposition, the borrowing bylaw will be brought back to Council to determine if Council would like to proceed with the matter and next steps.
  • The Public Works Yard Update Project is an adjustment to the Nanaimo Operations Centre Project and is meant to consolidate the highest need updates into just one phase of borrowing and construction, rather than multiple phases.


"Municipalities are required to obtain approval from the electors to borrow funds and have two options to do this - assent voting (also known as a referendum) or the alternative approval process. The AAP is an effective way to gauge public opinion; it is a less expensive option than using assent voting and can be used whenever the legislation requires the City to obtain permission from the electors."

Director, Legislative Services
City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • The original public works buildings were constructed in the 1960s and evolved as Nanaimo's population grew from less than 45,000 in 1980 to more than 100,000 in 2021.
  • The entire public works yard consists of 6 hectares (14.8 acres) of land.
  • Council recently adopted an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) Policy which establishes processes related to an AAP that are not specifically directed by legislation, including an option to accept elector response forms through electronic submission on the City of Nanaimo’s website.


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