Recognizing Nanaimo champions

Nominations now open for 2023 Civic Sport Merit Awards and Arts/Culture Merit Awards


The City of Nanaimo is looking to recognize individuals or groups who were awarded outstanding achievement in the areas of sport, arts and culture in 2023. Awards are given to individuals or groups who receive International, National, Western Canadian or Provincial first-place honours. The deadline for application is September 16, 2024.

Awards will be presented on Monday, October 21, 2024 at a regular Meeting of Council. City Council presents certificates of congratulations and medallions to individuals, groups, teams, and clubs who have brought Provincial, Western Canadian, and National or International-level recognition to our City. Recipients must be residents of Nanaimo and must have placed first or received highest standing in their field of endeavour.

Awards are given based on the following considerations:

  • Winners (gold medal or first place) of a Provincial or Western Canadian, National or International Championships in sport;
  • Outstanding achievement (winner or “Gold” / “Highest” standing) in visual or performing art in Provincial, Western Canadian, National or International festival / competition;
  • All individual recipients must reside in the City of Nanaimo;
  • All individual members of eligible teams or groups must reside in the City of Nanaimo – regardless of the location of where the team is based;
  • Achievements must be in an amateur activity unrelated to the recipient’s livelihood (they must not have been paid for their achievement). Special consideration may be given at the discretion of Parks, Recreation and Culture staff.

Please visit the City of Nanaimo website to complete the online registration process at or email your questions to

Link to Strategic Plan: The Civic Sport Merit Awards and Arts/Culture Merit Awards support Council's directive for livability.

Key Points

  • The City of Nanaimo is looking to recognize outstanding achievement in sports, arts and culture with the 2023 Civic Sport Merit Awards and Arts/Culture Merit Awards.
  • Awards are given to individuals or groups who receive International, National, Western Canadian or Provincial first-place honours.
  • Nominations can be made on the City of Nanaimo's website and must be submitted by Monday, September 16, 2024.


"There is a great sense of pride for each of Nanaimo's winning performances by Nanaimo’s athletes, teams and performing artists. Their hard work and accomplishments bring recognition to our community as they compete at provincial, national and international stages. Council is honoured to acknowledge and celebrate their outstanding achievements."

City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • City Council presents these certificates of congratulations and medallions to individuals, groups, teams, and clubs who have brought Provincial, Western Canadian, and National or International-level recognition to our City.




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