City seeking applications for 2025 Social Planning Grants


Beginning Sept. 23, 2024, the City of Nanaimo will be accepting applications for the 2025 Social Planning Grants Program. A total of $85,000 is available under this grant program.

All applications should support the desired outcomes and policies outlined in City Plan; in particular, proposed projects should contribute to the goal “A Healthy Nanaimo: Community Wellbeing & Livability.”

Organizations that apply for funding must be based in Nanaimo and/or propose a project that serves City of Nanaimo residents. Eligible organizations include non-profit societies, recognized religious groups and neighbourhood associations. Ongoing operational expenses cannot be funded through the Social Planning Grants program.

Past projects that have received funding have supported initiatives such as literacy, life skills, social isolation, community connectivity, homelessness and food security. For a listing of past funded projects or more details regarding the 2025 Social Planning Grants program, please visit the City of Nanaimo’s website.

The deadline for submitting applications is 4:30 pm on Monday, Oct. 21, 2024.

Link to Strategic Plan: The Social Planning Grants Program supports City Plan’s goal for a Healthy Nanaimo.

Key Points

  • The City of Nanaimo is accepting applications for the 2025 Social Planning Grants program between Sept. 23, 2024 and with a deadline of Monday, Oct. 21, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
  • Social Planning Grants are just one of the ways that the City works to support community safety, wellbeing and livability.


"Social Planning Grants are an important investment that empowers local organizations to address pressing social issues, enhance public safety and foster wellbeing. The City is pleased to offer these grant opportunities for local community organizations that provide such a valuable service and are laying the foundation for a resilient community where every resident can thrive."

City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • The City of Nanaimo’s Social Planning Grant Program has been operating since 2007.
  • Social Planning Grants support City Plan’s goal for a Healthy Nanaimo and promotes community safety and wellbeing.


For media enquiries, please contact:
City of Nanaimo

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