October is Emergency Preparedness Month in Nanaimo
Fire prevention. Emergency kits. ShakeOut. Alerts.
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed September 27, 2024 9:00 AM
For the fifth year in a row, the City of Nanaimo will be dedicating the month of October to raising awareness of emergency preparedness. The City encourages everyone to be ready for everything from fires and earthquakes to storms and power outages.
Fire Prevention Week, which runs from Oct. 6-12, will focus on "Smoke Alarms Make Them Work for You." Later in the month, Nanaimo Fire Rescue will host an open house of Fire Station #1 on Oct. 23.
On Oct. 17, 2024 prepare to drop, cover, and hold on as the province-wide Great BC ShakeOut earthquake drill will take place at 10:17 a.m. Residents can participate by registering at www.shakeoutbc.ca and listening in for the drill on 102.3 FM The Wave or 106.9 FM The Wolf radio stations.
Also, beginning at 10:17 a.m. on Oct. 17, a test alert of the City's emergency alert system, Voyent Alert!, will be sent out. Residents can visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/alerts to sign up for Voyent Alert! if they haven't already.
Watch for more about Emergency Preparedness throughout the month of October on the City's Facebook, X (Twitter) and Instagram feeds (@cityofnanaimo), through radio and print and online on the City's website at www.nanaimo.ca/goto/emergencymanagement.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing effective emergency management communications supports a safer and more livable community.
Key Points
- The City is sharing messages throughout October to help residents and businesses with emergency preparation. All residents are reminded to put together an emergency kit. Vancouver Island residents are encouraged to stock up on supplies for a minimum of seven days.
- Fire Prevention Week from Oct. 6 to 12 will focus on maintaining working smoke alarms.
- The Great BC ShakeOut drill will take place on Thursday, Oct. 17, at 10:17 a.m. and will be aired on 102.3 the Wave and 106.9 the Wolf.
- A test of the City's emergency alert system, Voyent Alert!, will also take place on Oct. 17 beginning at 10:17 a.m.
"An emergency can happen anytime so it's important to be prepared. Take some time to build an emergency kit, develop an escape plan, participate in the Great BC ShakeOut and make sure to sign up for Voyent Alert!, the City's emergency alert system."
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