City budget focus of upcoming eTown Hall

Residents encouraged to participate on Dec. 2, 2024


Nanaimo residents wishing to ask questions about the City's 2025-2029 Draft Financial Plan (Financial Plan) will have the opportunity to do so by participating in an upcoming eTown Hall meeting scheduled for Monday, Dec. 2.

The Dec. 2 Regular Council meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with an overview of the Financial Plan followed by a one hour eTown Hall for residents to engage with Council on the budget. Residents are encouraged to review budget documents on the City website at

To participate in the eTown Hall, residents may submit their questions through the City website at, on X (formally known as Twitter) using the hashtag #NanaimoTH, and on the eTown Hall event page at Residents can also call the City at 250-754-4251, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday until Dec. 2. During the meeting, they can ask their question in person or send it in online.

Everyone can follow the Financial Plan approval process. Additional budget presentations and workshops will occur during Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings Nov. 27 and Dec. 4 and 6. Materials and recordings from these meetings can be found at

Link to Strategic Plan: Providing opportunities for public input supports the strategic focus of Governance Excellence.

Key Points

  • The eTown Hall will be streamed live on the City website, as part of the Regular Council Meeting at and on Rogers tv channel 4 or 105, beginning at 7 p.m. on Dec 2. If necessary, 30 minutes will be added to the eTown Hall.
  • Residents can submit their question ahead of time or during the eTown Hall through the City website at, on X (formally known as Twitter) using #NanaimoTH and on the eTown Hall event page on Questions can also be submitted ahead of the eTown Hall by calling the City at 250-754-4251 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Residents are encouraged to review all related materials before participating in the eTown Hall. Links to recordings of budget discussions are available on the eTown Hall page on the City website.
  • To ensure all trending topics are covered, questions that are similar in nature will be compiled into one or two questions so that there are none remaining by the end of the e-Town Hall.


"The eTown Hall provides an opportunity for citizens to engage with Council about priorities for the next year and beyond. I encourage Nanaimo residents to review the budget documents and submit their budget-related questions."

City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • To date, the City of Nanaimo has held 15 eTown Hall meetings on subjects relating to the budget, core services review and strategic priorities. The first meeting, held in March 2013, was awarded Bronze for Innovation Management by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC).
  • Unlike conventional town hall meetings, Nanaimo’s eTown Hall format allows for greater community involvement and convenience. Participants are able to watch the meeting live on the City website and submit their questions online as well as in person.


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City of Nanaimo

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