More free parking comes to downtown
Temporary free parking in the Bastion parkade supports downtown businesses during street construction
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 3, 2024 9:00 AM
Visitors to Nanaimo’s downtown can now park free on levels 2 and 3 of the Bastion Street Parkade for up to two hours at a time, Monday to Friday during the day (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Parking on all levels of the Bastion Street Parkade is free during evenings and on weekends without time limits.
This Bastion Street Parkade initiative is in addition to the free street parking that was designated in October on Commercial Street (south of Wharf St.), Front Street, Chapel Street, Church Street, Bastion Street, Anchor Way and Cameron Road.
This Nanaimo City Council and Downtown Nanaimo Business Association (DNBA) initiative is meant to encourage both new and returning shoppers to visit downtown and continue to support Nanaimo's downtown businesses. Parking in designated spaces will continue to be free throughout first-phase construction of the Design Commercial Project.
Read more about the City's Parking Services or learn more about the first phase of the Design Commercial Project on the City of Nanaimo website.
Link to Strategic Plan: Maintaining and growing current services while being responsive to the community's growing needs.
Key Points
- The City is adding more free parking for downtown visitors, designating levels 2 and 3 of the Bastion Street Parkade as free two-hour parking.
- This additional free parkade parking is in addition to the street-level parking designated as free two-hour parking on October 1, which includes parking on Commercial Street, Front Street, Chapel Street, Church Street, Bastion Street, Anchor Way and Cameron Road.
- This free downtown parking initiative will be in place throughout phase one of the Design Commercial Project upgrades.
"This free parking comes just in time for holiday shopping, a festive meetup with friends or a wintery stroll along our beautiful downtown streets! We hope this will continue to encourage residents and visitors alike to enjoy our downtown and support our downtown businesses. Thanks for your patience as we work towards a more accessible, vibrant, dynamic and thriving Commercial Street."
Quick Facts
- The Bastion Street Parkade, located at the corner of Bastion and Skinner Street, is typically a pay parkade run by the City, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parking during the evenings and on weekends througout the parkade is free.
Print News Release
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