Nanaimo ReImagined honoured with prestigious Commonwealth award

City plan garners major award in community planning on the global stage


Nanaimo's official city plan has been internationally recognized for its achievement in community planning. The Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) has declared City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined an “outstanding planning achievement in the Commonwealth” in the Planning for Cities and Human Settlements category.

The award was one of five announced at the 2023 National Planning Conference in Malaysia, hosted by the Malaysian Institute of Planners. CAP has been advancing planning across the Commonwealth for over 50 years and promotes planning as fundamental for sustainable human settlements, mitigating the impacts of climate change and building resilient communities. Under the umbrella of the Commonwealth of Nations, CAP brings together 30 national professional planning organizations from around the world, representing nearly 40,000 professional planners.

City Plan has already won three other awards. In September 2024, the City received the Community Excellence in Sustainability Award from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) for City Plan, Integrated Action Plan and Monitoring Strategy. In June 2024, the Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC) awarded the City of Nanaimo the Gold Award of Excellence in Policy Planning for City Plan. In late 2023, at the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Conference in Seattle, Washington, the City received the Visual Engagement Award from the IAP2 Core Values Awards for the City Plan engagement process.

Link to Strategic Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined reflects Council's commitment to communicate with the public and lead with excellence.

Key Points

  • Nanaimo ReImagined has been internationally recognized as an “outstanding planning achievement in the Commonwealth” by the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP).
  • This is the fourth major award for the City's plan and was presented in the Planning for Cities and Human Settlements category at the 2023 National Planning Conference in Malaysia.
  • CAP has been advancing sustainable planning across the Commonwealth for over 50 years, representing nearly 40,000 professional planners globally.


"The City is very fortunate to be guided by an award-winning official community plan that strives to create a sustainable city where we can all thrive within our environmental boundaries."

City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined is an Official Community Plan (OCP), but with a layered approach that integrates multiple plans under a sustainability framework adopted for Nanaimo’s unique needs.
  • In addition to serving as Nanaimo’s OCP, Nanaimo ReImagined also provides direction on Truth and Reconciliation, climate adaptation, economic prosperity, health, accessibility, diversity and more.




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City of Nanaimo

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