New year-round drop-in hub offers shelter, support and safety
City partners with local agencies to provide essential services, warming and cooling spaces for unsheltered residents
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 18, 2024 4:55 PM
In partnership with community agencies, the City is funding a year-round daytime drop-in hub that will also provide warming and cooling services for individuals living unsheltered. Island Crisis Care Society will operate the new drop-in hub in partnership with Nanaimo Family Life Association. The drop-in hub will provide a welcoming safe space, offering essential services, connections to community resources and a refuge from extreme weather conditions.
Operating seven days a week, seven hours a day, year-round, the drop-in hub will ensure consistent and accessible space for individuals in need.
Key services include:
- Warming and cooling spaces to combat extreme temperatures.
- Access to basic needs such as food, hygiene supplies and clothing.
- Connections to broader supports, including emergency shelter and housing services, health care, mental health resources and other community-based services.
The drop-in hub is designed to meet the immediate needs of unsheltered individuals while serving as a gateway to longer-term shelter and housing solutions. The drop-in hub will be located at 55 Victoria Road (entrance off Nicol Street) and is expected to open January 2, 2025. Hours of operation will be 11 am to 6 pm.
The drop-in hub is in addition to other supports and services that will be available during the 2024-2025 winter season for people experiencing homelessness in the City. Other services provided by other organizations to vulnerable people this winter can be found on the Services and Supports page of the City website.
The City continues to advocate to the Provincial government highlighting the urgency of the homelessness crisis in Nanaimo and the importance of long-term investments in housing, mental health care, addiction treatment and poverty reduction.
Link to Strategic Plan: Drop-in hub services and the provision of basic need services supports Council’s goal for a healthy Nanaimo.
Key Points
- The City of Nanaimo is funding a year-round drop-in hub that will provide warming and cooling services for individuals living unsheltered.
- The drop-in hub service is in addition to other supports and services during the 2024-2025 winter season for people experiencing homelessness in the City.
"The City of Nanaimo is committed to supporting our unsheltered population and continues to advocate strongly for additional Provincial funding and resources that align with the scope of the challenges we face. The City has been actively working with community partners to highlight and address the homelessness crisis and is grateful to Island Crisis Care Society and Nanaimo Family Life Association for their willingness to provide a warm, safe place where unsheltered people can meet their basic needs."
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