New road and intersection open soon as Midtown Gateway Project enters final year
Traffic signals, crosswalks and the new Bowen Road/Boxwood Road/Beban Parkway intersection will soon be in use
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed January 13, 2025 2:15 PM
The Midtown Gateway Project has reached another milestone as the City of Nanaimo gets ready to flip the switch and activate the traffic signals at the new Bowen Road/Boxwood Road/Beban Parkway intersection.
On Wednesday, January 15, the traffic signal lights will start flashing to alert drivers along Bowen Road that the new intersection will soon be actively traffic-controlled. On Wednesday January 22, the traffic lights, crosswalks and intersection will be officially opened and the new Beban Parkway (south Beban Park entrance) and Boxwood Road connector will be accessible to pedestrian, cycling and vehicle traffic.
These changes improve access to Beban Park and Nanaimo’s transportation network with increased options, safety and comfort for people who walk, bike, take transit or drive, while improving the safe flow of commercial and industrial goods.
Beban Parkway will provide access to the new Beban Plaza Lane, which will serve as an easier and safer access point to Beban Plaza for drivers arriving from any direction via the new intersection. Exiting the plaza using Beban Plaza Lane will also be safe and easy. Traffic will turn right onto Beban Parkway, drive around the turning circle and can head back to the new intersection or continue to our Beban Park facilities.
The Midtown Gateway Project is entering its final year of construction. While the new roads and intersection will be open and in use, construction work will continue. Some surface conditions are still incomplete and may be uneven, so please use extra care travelling through the project area and watch for construction signs and traffic control. Traffic disruptions, night work and sections of road closures will be ongoing until the project reaches completion, which is expected by the end of summer.
For more information, visit the Midtown Gateway Project page.
Link to Strategic Plan: Council's commitment to capital projects ensures that the City can maintain and grow its services to meet our community’s evolving needs.
Key Points
- On Wednesday, January 15, the traffic signal lights will start flashing to alert drivers along Bowen Road that the new intersection will soon be actively traffic-controlled.
- On Wednesday January 22, the traffic lights, crosswalks and intersection will be officially opened and the new Beban Parkway (south Beban Park entrance) and Boxwood Road connector will be accessible to pedestrian, cycling and vehicle traffic.
- The new Beban Plaza Lane, off of Beban Parkway, creates an easier and safer way to access Beban Plaza.
- The Midtown Gateway Project is entering its final year of construction. Traffic disruptions, night work and sections of road closures will be ongoing until the project reaches completion at the end of the summer.
"Nanaimo is absolutely one of the fastest growing cities in Canada and expanding Nanaimo’s transportation network is critical to meet the demands of our growing community. We’ve seen a lot of work on and around Bowen Road lately; thanks for your continued patience. The project end is in sight!"
Quick Facts
- The new sections of Boxwood Road and the new Powder Works Road were built on an old brownfield site and infilled wetland which were heavily impacted by historical coal mining activity. These new roads border two sides of the restored wetland which now supports wildlife, improves the aquatic habitat and helps to manage storm water.
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