City assessing infrastructure, reminding residents of earthquake safety
Emergency Info BC reports a 5.1 magnitude earthquake
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed February 21, 2025 4:15 PM
A minor earthquake took place centred near Sechelt, BC at approximately 1:26 pm on Friday, Feb. 21, 2025.
Out of an abundance of caution, the City deployed staff to conduct checks of critical infrastructure, examine recreation and/or civic facilities, water delivery lines, city-owned dams, bridges and reservoirs. At this time, there is no damage to report and no disruption of infrastructure.
An emergency alert from the Province was deployed as the event took place. The City's Voyent Alert system will automatically generate an alert to subscribers for earthquakes above magnitude 6.0. Due to the size of today's event, no alert was created. If there had been further safety-related issues in Nanaimo from the earthquake, the City would have issued an alert with instructions as a follow up to the Provincial alert.
This event is a good reminder for residents that we can have strong earthquakes in our region. Please visit for more information on how to be better prepared.
For those who have done so already, sign up for Voyent Alert!, the City of Nanaimo's emergency alert system.
Link to Strategic Plan: Being prepared for any natural events helps to create a healthy and safe community.
Key Points
- Today's earthquake was a M5.1 according to Emergency Info BC.
- Voyent! Alerts will automatically be broadcast for M6.0 and above earthquakes.
- Sign up or Voyent! Alerts on the City website.
"Following incidents such as this, it is a good reminder that we always need to be prepared. You should always have an emergency kit with at least seven days worth of supplies in the event of an emergency."
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