City renewing Nanaimo's parking bylaws

Residents can provide their input beginning March 1


The City of Nanaimo is updating its off-street parking regulations and management of public on-street parking through a Parking Review and Bylaw Update process. As part of the review, the City is engaging the community to understand parking challenges and help inform potential recommendations.

Bylaw changes will better align with the goals and policies of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined with Off-Street Parking Regulations, Traffic and Highway Regulation and Crossing Control Bylaws all being renewed. A draft set of changes will be developed between May and July of 2025 with bylaw updates taking place between Aug. and Sept. 2025.

Until April 2025, the City is surveying the community and holding stakeholder discussions. The community survey will open on March 1 and can be found along with more information on the Parking Review and Bylaw Update webpage.

Link to Strategic Plan: Implementing City Plan action plans and key city management plans.

Key Points

  • Refreshing how Nanaimo approaches parking through the Parking Review and Bylaw Update will result in a more organized approach that provides certainty and clarity to residents, land developers, Council and City staff.
  • The community survey, available on Get Involved Nanaimo beginning March 1, 2025, aims to understand community input on parking topics to help refine changes to be included in the Bylaw Update.
  • Nanaimo is one of the fastest growing communities in Canada, which puts pressure on the mobility system to provide safe, convenient and affordable transportation to meet the community's needs.
  • Parking management supports various community priorities. Benefits include sustainable transportation, minimizing the impact of parking in neighbourhoods, preventing barriers for people with varying abilities through availability of mobility options and encouraging cost-effective forms of housing.


"Parking is a hot topic in Nanaimo. Whether, you are a driver, walker, roller or cyclist, it affects us all. I encourage all citizens to participate in the community survey. There’s no better time to have your say about how you picture a better parking future for Nanaimo."

City of Nanaimo

Quick Facts

  • Between July and November 2024, the City undertook a detailed background review and current conditions assessment to identify the current challenges facing on and off-street parking management across the city.


For media enquiries, please contact:
City of Nanaimo

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