Nanaimo Business Licence Feed Description

The Nanaimo Business Licence Report uses urls below for its Atom Feed.

Recent business licences in Nanaimo

There is no filter on this search. The most recent from all licences are listed.

Recent business licence by Product/Service (NAICS Code)

To use: Enter the feed url then p(for product) parameter and the NAICS code. Possible values are listed in the dropdown box on the Licence Product/Service Search. You must view the source to see them.


Recent business licences by Industry/Sector

To use: Enter the feed url then i(for industry) parameter then the industry name. Possible values are listed in the dropdown box in the Licence Industry/Sector Search


Recent business licences by Keyword

To use: Enter the feed url then k(for keyword) parameter then the keyword. Test possible searches with the Licence Keyword Search


Recent business licences by Street

To use: Enter the feed url then s(for street) parameter then the street name. Test possible searches with the Licence Street Search


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