Facilities by Activity

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7 Results for "Community":
Beban Park Social Centre
Beban Park Social Centre is a large community gathering space located within the Beban Park Complex....
Bowen Park Complex
Bowen Park Complex is located near the downtown surrounded by the peacefulness of Nanaimo's Bowen Park....
Centennial Building
The Centennial Building is located within the Beban Park Complex. The building is available for public...
Frank Crane Arena
Located centrally in Nanaimo within the Beban Park Complex the recently updated Frank Crane Arena is...
Kin Hut
This building is used primarily to host children's programs such as preschool, camps and activities....
Nanaimo Aquatic Centre
The Nanaimo Aquatic Centre is home to one of the largest wave pools in western Canada and one of the...
Oliver Woods Community Centre
Oliver Woods Community Centre is a multipurpose community centre. This state of the art LEED facility...

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