RA000496 - 3469 Uplands Drive

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RA000496 - 3469 Uplands Drive
Neighbourhood: Rutherford    
Street Address: 3469 Uplands Drive
Type of Application: Rezoning Application
File Number: RA000496
Date Application Submitted: June 15, 2023
Staff Contact: Kristine Mayes
250-755-4460 ext 4355
Application Description: To rezone the subject property from Steep Slope Residential (R10) to Medium Density Residential (R8) with site-specific density to allow for a multi-family development.
Application Status: ACTIVE

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3469 UPLANDS DRIVE R10 Property Report

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A new application has been received.


The application requires Staff review.

Drawings, Reports & Other Attachments
Posted: 6/27/2023 10:53:30 AM

Posted: 6/27/2023 10:53:49 AM

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