Welcome to Nanaimo Fire Rescue
The City of Nanaimo maintains an Emergency Program in accordance with its responsibilities under the Emergency Program Act and City Bylaw 7202. This program ensures readiness to identify, prepare for, respond to, and recover from local and regional hazards. It consists of three entities: the Local Authority represented by the Mayor and Council, the Emergency Management Committee, and the Emergency Program Manager.
911 dispatch services are provided through two entities: ECOMM Public Safety Access Point (PSAP) and Surrey Fire Dispatch.
Nanaimo Fire Rescue FAQs
Backyard Fires - Can I have a fire in my backyard?
Backyard cooking campfires are permitted without obtaining a burn permit.
A backyard cooking fire is defined as a fire solely based on being used for the cooking of food provided that the following requirements are met:
- There is no Provincial Fire Ban in effect – stay up to date on current Provincial Fire regulations here: Coastal Fire Centre bans and restrictions - Gov.bc.ca
- The cooking fire is within a device or barrier and is contained from spreading.
- The cooking fire device or barrier does NOT exceed 24 inches in diameter.
- Clean, dry firewood, or pressed wood (wood pellets, briquettes, and logs for use in burning appliances.) are ONLY permitted to be burned.
- The fire duration is not more than 2 hours.
Please be aware that:
- There is currently no permit or charge required for this type of fire.
- Burning of debris from land clearing is prohibited.
- Any fire that is ignited without the purpose of cooking food is prohibited and may result with a fine.
- Any fires that generate persistent, offensive smoke shall be ordered extinguished.
- Burning of plastics, rubber, foam, pallets, packing and packaging materials, construction waste, rubbish, household waste, or other materials are prohibited.
- Failure to comply with the City of Nanaimo’s Fire Protection and Life and Safety Regulation Bylaw 2011 No. 7108 may result in a fine.
For more information see: Burning Regulations & Permits
Beach fires - Can I have a fire at the beach?
No, fires on any of the beaches within the City of Nanaimo limits are prohibited.
For more information regarding fires and burning within the City of Nanaimo please see Burning Regulations & Permits
Car seat installation - Does the Fire Department offer this service?
No, Nanaimo Fire Rescue no longer installs car seats in vehicles.
Alternatively, BCAA offers a Child Passenger Safety Program that includes installation, education and recycling of car seats.
Please visit this link to BCAA for more info: BCAA Child Passenger Safety Program or call 1-877-247-5551 or email roadsafety@bcaa.com
Expired fire extinguishers - What do I do?
For old or expired fire extinguishers, please contact Mid Island Fire Equipment Ltd on 273 Selby Street or phone 250-754-7641 -
Fireworks - are they permitted within the City of Nanaimo?
No, fireworks are NOT permitted within the City of Nanaimo. This includes the selling, giving or trading, possession of, and firing or discharging fireworks within the City of Nanaimo's boundaries.
A fireworks permit maybe obtained at the discretion of the Fire Chief or their delegates however, providing that ALL the requirements are met as outlined in BYLAW NO. 7049 - A BYLAW TO REGULATE, PROHIBIT AND IMPOSE REQUIREMENTS IN RELATION TO FIREWORKS, including proof of a valid Fireworks Supervisor's Certificate and public liability insurance. There are also fees associated with this permit and they are outlined as well in the bylaw.
Failure to comply to Bylaw No. 7049 may result in a fine.
Underground storage/fuel tanks - Are there any records?
Nanaimo Fire Rescue has limited permit records of underground storage/fuel tank installation and/or removal for properties within the City of Nanaimo.
To find out if a property has any underground storage/fuel tank permits please email fire.info@nanaimo.ca with the address.
If the property does have a permit and you are NOT the registered owner (at the time of inquiry) we will need written consent from the current registered property owner in order to release this information. An email to fire.info@nanaimo.ca is preferred, for consent.
Used gas, oil or diesel fuel - What do I do?
If you have any used gas, oil, or diesel fuel and what to dispose of it, please go to one of the Regional Recycling depots here in Nanaimo. The used fuel MUST be contained in an approved Gerry can and a $10 voucher will be given as reimbursement.
There are currently two locations:
Location 1: 2375 Hayes Road
Location 2: 839 Old Victoria Road
Phone Number for both locations: 250-751-2358
Website link for more info: Regional Recycling Nanaimo
Volunteer Fire Fighters - Does the City of Nanaimo accept volunteer fire fighters?
No, Nanaimo Fire Rescue no longer has volunteer on-call fire fighters.
After the Fire
Information to consider after you've had a fire.more -
Burning Regulations & Permits
Stay up to date with current burning regulations within the City of Nanaimomore -
Community Events
Current events taking place at Nanaimo Fire Rescuemore -
Fire Inspections and Regulations
You may have fire protection responsibilities. Do you know what they are?more -
Fire Stations
See where our fire stations are.more -
Incident Report
Where are our fire trucks going? Access an RSS feed and map to see.more -
What you need to be qualified for one of our positions.more -
Request a Smoke Alarm Installation
Request a Smoke Alarm Installation.more
Contact Us
Last updated: March 25, 2025
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