2025 Downtown Event Revitalization Submission Form

Deadline: October 8th, 2024
Grant applications must be received by 4:00 pm on the day of deadline to be eligible for consideration in this funding stream.

*Must be available to be contacted in December 2024

Preferred method of contact

please enter the project start and end dates

Is your society in good standing with the BC Registrar?

Is this a first-time event or festival?

Does your organization already receive (or have you applied) for other sources of City funding for these activities? If so, please specify the source of funds, the year requested, the amount, and whether the funds are confirmed.

Application Upload

This field is required

Attach a single PDF or a series of PDF files that address each application section as below.

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A1. Organization/Applicant Profile (1 page)

Provide a brief description of your organization or a description of your work as an individual organizer. If applicable, what is your mandate? How does your mandate align with section C.4 - An Empowered Nanaimo of the Nanaimo City Plan? Does your organization have paid staff or is it volunteer-run? Who are your board members and what are their roles? List events held in the last 5 Years.

A2. Description of Event or Festival (up to 3 pages)

Attach a description of the event or festival, the context in which the project will take place, the objectives of the project and how these objectives will be carried out. Where does your activity take place? Who is involved? List and describe event or festival and major participants in the project. 

A3. Activity Timeline (up to 2 pages)

Summarize your schedule of activities in a timeline format, (include research and planning).

A4. Community Impact

How does your initiative enhance and / or promote the vitality of downtown Nanaimo? How does it align with grant priorities?

A5. Anticipated Attendees

Who is your target audience? Provide anticipated numbers and explain assumptions. (Refer to actual attendance numbers if event was held previously. For new activities, provide an estimate of attendance). Please Include the following:

  • # Participants
  • # Organizers
  • # Volunteers
  • # Spectators 
  • # under age 19 
  • # over age 19
  • # out of town
  • # overnight stays

A6. Partnering & Sponsorship

Are you partnering with an existing community group / organization?  If yes, please identify the group / organization detailing the nature of their involvement including roles and responsibilities (attach letter(s) of commitment / support).

A7. Marketing & Promotion

How will your festival or event be publicized?  Include any marketing enhancements and any marketing that is being done to target out of town visitors (attach marketing plan if available).  Is the event or festival open to the public and promoted as such?  Is there an admission fee?  Include anticipated revenues in the budget.

A8. Funding Sources 

Use the Downtown Event Revitalization Fund Grant Budget Form to list all revenues and expenses of your project. Include this with your grant request. Note: your budget must balance. An excel version of this form is available online 2025-Budget-Form-Downtown-Event-Revitalization-Fund (or by contacting us directly). 

A9. Support Materials

This field is required

Attach support materials (video documentation, images with corresponding descriptions, news articles or press coverage, brochures / programs) of one event in previous or current year, resumes, and publications.

Add another
  • up to 10 images (Jpeg files preferred)
  • up to 5 sound clips, no more than 2 minutes in length (online links preferred)
  • up to 5 minutes of video (online links preferred)
  • up to 10 pages in writing samples, related publicity or marketing materials or participant biographies

Have you submitted a Final Report?

Applicants who have received funding in previous years must submit a Final Report on your most recently completed event, 90 days after completion.  If your most recently funded event is not yet complete at the time of application, please submit an interim report, and follow up with a final report 90 days after completion. Failure to provide up to date reports when required will render new applications ineligible.

A Downtown Event Revitalization Fund Final Report Form template and Budget Form is available online (or by contacting us directly). 

Grant Preparation Zoom/ In-Person Attendance

Signature & Declaration


I hereby acknowledge that the information included with my application is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have been authorized by the Board of Directors (if representing an organization or society) to make this declaration and to submit this application on behalf of the above-named organization.  

By signing this document I formally agree that my organization will accept the terms and conditions of this Grant as outlined in the guidelines. I acknowledge that the awarding of a grant is at the sole and absolute discretion of the City of Nanaimo. The City of Nanaimo retains the right to rescind or reduce any grant previously awarded if terms and conditions of funding are not met.

I hereby declare that if our organization is successful in obtaining a City of Nanaimo Downtown Event Revitalization Fund Grant, that we give the City of Nanaimo (or a third party appointed by the City) the right to review the project / program for which the grant was obtained to ascertain whether grant monies received were used for the stated purpose(s) set out in this application.

By signing and submitting this form, the applicant agrees to all aspects of the declaration, as stated, above

Collection and use of your personal information

Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at foi@nanaimo.ca. Please also see our Privacy Policy.

For more information contact:

Culture & Events

Last updated: August 30, 2024

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Don't include private or financial information in this form.

Collection and use of your personal information

Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at foi@nanaimo.ca. Please also see our Privacy Policy.