Vendor Information
City of Nanaimo’s bid opportunities website: bids&tenders
View bidding opportunities
Vendors must register as a Plan Taker for any opportunity they are interested in; this will enable the vendor to download the Bid Document, receive Addenda email notifications, and download all documents without the “preview” watermark.
Vendors who are interested in doing business with the City of Nanaimo are required to create a free account at and will receive an email alert when any new solicitations are issued regarding City procurements matching the vendor’s commodity code selection.
The vendor is fully responsible for keeping their account information up to date in the Bidding System.
Watch the bids&tenders online training for vendors.
Solicitations, Awards and Bidder Notification
Price-driven solicitations (Request for Bids (RFB) and Invitation to Tenders (ITT)) generally have specific mandatory requirements and are evaluated on price. Award is given to the lowest priced compliant submission, considering the nuanced costs that may impact the lowest price.
Value-driven solicitations (Request for Proposals (RFP), Negotiated Request for Proposals (NRFP), and Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSOQ)) use evaluated weighted criteria and price to determine the highest-ranked. Vendors preparing submissions should consider the criteria and the specific weighting to ensure they meet the requirements. The best value may include many characteristics, including but not limited to availability, suitability, experience, serviceability, transportation, required training, warranty, design, overall life cycle cost implications, and other significant applicable characteristics. With each purchase, these characteristics can change.
Awards will be determined based on the specific award requirements in the applicable solicitation document. Awards are made to either the lowest-priced compliant bidder or highest-ranked compliant proponent. No award is guaranteed until execution of a contract or the City’s purchase order.
Successful bidders
Successful bidders will be notified by email if the bid was successful.
Unsuccessful bidders
Will be notified through the bids&tenders system by email.
A vendor debriefing is an opportunity for the City to provide constructive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the Vendor’s submission and receive information from the vendor on the procurement process. Debriefings are conducted as soon as possible after contract award or project cancellation, but no later than 30 days after contract award.
Contact the Purchasing Department at to schedule a debrief.
Vendor Performance Review
The Vendor Performance Review intends to incentivize good performance from vendors and encourages frequent communication throughout the contract. Contracts issued with a Vendor Performance Evaluation requirement are subject to review. The process is designed to develop and maintain a vendor base that meets accepted standards. If a vendor is not performing to expected standards, the Vendor Performance Evaluation process allows the City to work with the vendor and encourage improvement.
Provide a packing slip or proof of delivery with every delivery of goods made to City facilities and work sites. This document must outline:
- The goods delivered
- Their quantities
- The items that are on backorder (if applicable)
Before we accept your delivery, we verify the goods delivered with the packing slip.
Provide the services to the city department and send a draft of the invoice or service ticket to the department to ensure they agree with the services provided. Include:
- The services provided
- Progress to date (if applicable)
- Hours consumed (if applicable)
- Rate charged (if applicable)
- Total charges
Invoice Requirements
After delivering the goods or completing the services, email the invoice directly to the Finance Division mailbox:
To email your invoice, save each invoice and any attachments as a single PDF file.
- Only PDF files are accepted. All other file types are deleted
- Only one invoice per PDF file (including attachments)
- Have multiple invoices? Attach multiple PDF files to your email
If the service work is complete and this is the final invoice, please mark the invoice with the words “final invoice”.
Avoid payment delays: Do not send or drop off the invoice to the City Department.
What to show on your invoice
Include the following information on your invoice:
Vendor name | Legal name of the vendor that provides the goods or services (Purchase Order, Invoice, Bank Account must be in the same legal company name) |
Invoice date | Date that you issue your invoice to the City (on or after the date of shipment or service completion) |
Purchase order number (PO#) | Purchase order number given to the vendor at the time of ordering. No PO#? Contact the City department you worked with before issuing your invoice. |
Contact information | Email address and name of the City employee that received your goods or services |
Department name | Name of City department that receives your goods or services |
Subtotal (before taxes) | Dollar subtotal of the goods or services provided before taxes |
GST/HST | Separate line for GST/HST |
PST | Separate line PST only |
Total | Invoice total for all goods or services including applicable taxes |
Electronic Funds Transfer
Common Vendor Questions
What kinds of goods and services are used by the City?
In order to provide the many services that it does to residents and visitors alike, the City purchases a wide variety of goods and services broken down into the following general categories:
- Goods or offsite services:
- Goods: supplies, materials, equipment
- Offsite services: services not performed on City property. Example: drycleaners
- General services: services that are performed on the City's property, or as directed by the City on property belonging to others, or services that result in the supplier acting as a representative of the City. Examples: landscaping, cleaning, security, bus transportation, game or activity services.
- Professional services: services from experts, providing expert opinion on which the City will rely. Examples: Engineering, Environmental, Consultants
- Construction: field personnel performing physical labour on City property. Examples: construction, reconstruction demolition, repair or renovation of a building or structure.
- Goods or offsite services:
How do I become a Vendor to the City?
Register for open opportunities on the City’s bids&tenders website and select commodity codes of interest to receive project notifications. -
Does the City have a preference for doing business with Nanaimo-based companies?
While the City cannot legally adopt a program that provides a preference for locally based companies, we do enjoy doing business with local companies and encourage them to compete for the City’s business. -
Who can do business with the City of Nanaimo?
Any person, business, or corporate entity, under most circumstances, is eligible to become a City vendor. -
What is required of a Vendor to work on City property or projects?
Typical documentation required for vendors providing services would include, but not be limited to:- Proof of a City of Nanaimo Business Licence or Inter-Community Business Licence;
- Copy of current WorkSafeBC clearance letter; and
- Certificate of Insurance – evidence of commercial general liability and/or professional errors & omissions liability insurance.
Where can I get information on bid results?
All open procurement bid opportunities are posted to the City bids&tenders website. Once the contract has been executed or the purchase order has been issued the results will be posted. -
How does the city sell its used equipment or surplus material?
For the majority of used equipment and surplus material, the City uses BC Auction. Item details are provided on the auction website along with bid closing date and time. Bidders must register with BC Auction to be eligible to bid. -
Where does the City advertise business opportunities?
All open procurement bid opportunities are posted to BC Bid with a link to the City’s bids&tenders website. Bid opportunities are also advertised on the City's Twitter account. -
How can I find information about the posted opportunities?
Use the Submit a Question button in the City’s bids&tenders website. -
Does the City charge Vendors to download documents from bids&tenders?
There is no charge to register, or download documents from the City’s bids&tenders website. -
How can I seek clarification or provide feedback during an open procurement?
All questions or communication are asked through bids&tenders. Registering as a Plan Taker for a specific bid opportunity is required before submitting a question is permitted. -
What are the City's terms and conditions?
Each published opportunity will provide the terms and conditions for the respective contract. In the absence of a contract the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions will prevail. -
Does the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) apply to the information I provide when competing?
FOIPPA applies to all procurement activities. Every effort will be made to treat Vendor business information as confidential and proprietary, subject to the City’s obligations under the Act.
Contact Us
Last updated: November 14, 2024
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Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at Please also see our Privacy Policy.
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Doing Business
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