The City is sharing performance indicators and data that could provide meaningful, holistic insights on progress towards achieving City Plan goals. If you are looking for City's priority actions and projects, you can find them on the Integrated Action Plan project site  here

The City is using two types of indicators to monitor our progress:

KEY INDICATORS will tell us how the City is doing at a high-level and how close or how far we are to our end goals. It is intentional to limit the number of key indicators so that it is easier for us to see the big picture. When viewed together, they help us recognize the interconnections among areas of impact. The Key Indicators are always shown as a percentage score where ≥ 100% indicates sustainable, and < 100% indicates unsustainable.

SUPPORTIVE INDICATORS will tell us how the City is doing in a specific area and can show us over time if we are moving in the right direction. The selection of supportive indicators will depend on their relevance and remain adaptable. They are tracked with actual data and could be numbers or percentages. 

Explore both Key Indicators and Supportive Indicators in a variety of ways:

1. Gain an impression of the status of the Key Indicators through the Nanaimo Monitoring Bar - our annual data portrait.

2. Look up individual indicators' detailed information by clicking on each indicator tile and find the ones you are most interested in by year and type under Indicators.

3. Review Indicator data tables that can be filtered by year.

4. Review Indicator Summary Tables by opening the documents below.

Key Indicator Summary Tables updated 2024.12.11

Supportive Indicator Summary Tables updated 2024.12.09

We are seeking your feedback on how we can improve the way we share City Plan Monitoring indicators and data. Please take a few minutes to answer 4 questions.

The Nanaimo Monitoring Bar

The Nanaimo Monitoring Bar figure below provides an 'at a glance' annual data portrait of Nanaimo in a chosen year using only Key Indicators based on the Nanaimo Framework in the City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined. The framework is meant to guide the City to create a place where the Nanaimo residents and the planet can thrive in balance. The aim is to stay in the centre of the 'sweet spot' where we are meeting our social needs while living within our ecological ceiling. 

If a key indicator's bar extends from the centre and is red, it means we are transgressing into environmental overshoot or social shortfall. The Nanaimo Monitoring Bar illustrates the challenge of moving inside those boundaries from both top and bottom simultaneously. It also helps recognize the areas we are doing well and identify areas of improvement as well as track our progress over time so that our actions propel us towards our ultimate aim.

The image is meant to reflect at a high level where we are at on that journey.


Indicator is operating sustainably and meeting the end goal

Indicator is operating unsustainably/improvement needed. The further the red bar extends from the centre, the further we are from our end goal.

Indicator development to be completed or data unavailable for this year.

* NOTE: Ocean Health and Air Quality are not areas of impact currently managed at the City-level and do not currently have key indicators. Their monitoring could be activated in the future if they become significant issues that the City has tools to manage.


The Key Indicator score is always a percentage. If the actual performance meets or exceeds a sustainability end goal, the score will be equal or greater than 100%. If the actual performance does not meet the sustainability end goal, the score will be less than 100%. The higher the percentage, the closer we are to our end goal. The Supportive Indicators show actual data and could be numbers or percentages. 

Click on individual indictors to learn more. You can filter them by City Plan Goal Area and Indicator Type below.

Indicator Data Tables

You can select a year and view three years of data at a time (i.e., the chosen year and two previous years) in the tables below. 

Last updated: November 19, 2024

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