Short-Term Rental Business Licence Application Form

Is this property within a strata development?

* If your primary residence is within a strata development, please also submit the Strata Authorization Form.

Do you own the property?

* If you are renting or leasing the property, please also sumbit the Home-Owner Authorization Form.

Please select where the short-term rental will be.

Are you renting the entire main dwelling (i.e. while you are away)?

Main dwelling rentals are limited to two bedrooms if you are residing in the dwelling at the same time as guests are present. Please indicate how many bedrooms are being offered.

* Secondary suites must be constructed (legal) or upgraded (authorized) with a building permit.  Suites constructed without a building permit (illegal suites) are not eligible as a short-term rental.

** Carriage houses must be constructed with a building permit.

Parking Plan
Please be aware that an additional off-street parking space is required for each guest booking. Please submit plan separately to  If you need help making a plan, check out our Short-Term Rental information page.

Applicant's Acknowledgement

I/we understand that all information requested is necessary in order to fully evaluate and process the application and that an application submitted without the required information may not be processed. Completion of the application form and submission of supplemental information does not guarantee approval, as such, operation cannot commence until the business licence has been issued.

I/we hereby make application for a business licence in accordance with the particulars as stated on this application and declare that the property is my/our primary residence and that the information on the application is true and correct. I/we have read the Business Licence Bylaw and the Short-Term Rental Operator's Guide and undertake to ensure compliance with all bylaws of the City of Nanaimo and all other laws now in force or which may hereafter come into force.

I have read and acknowledge the above statement.

Collection and use of your personal information

Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at Please also see our Privacy Policy.

Last updated: November 14, 2024

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Don't include private or financial information in this form.

Collection and use of your personal information

Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at Please also see our Privacy Policy.