Request Building Plans

The City has records of many building plans on file.

If you are the property owner and were on title when the plans were issued under permit, you can request an electronic copy of the building plans we have on file. Please see the Plan Request Form for a breakdown of fees.

Once a request is submitted, it may take several weeks before we can complete your request, depending on the volume of requests and staff workload.

Note:  We may not have plans on file for older buildings or for buildings located in areas that were outside of city limits prior to amalgamation in the mid-1970s.

To make a request

Fill out the PDF form and follow the submission instructions included. 

Submit the form to 

Not the property owner?

If you are not the property owner, signed permission is required from the property owner before drawings can be released. Fill out the Plan Request Authorization Form and follow the submission instructions included.

Only the property owner at the time of permit issuance can access or give permission to access building drawings. If the property has changed hands, a Freedom of Information request is required. See the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy web page for more information.

Nanaimo Archives

If the City does not have the plans you are looking for, you may also try contacting Nanaimo Archives, who keep some records from the Nanaimo region.

Contact Us

Building Plan Requests

Last updated: June 20, 2024

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Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at Please also see our Privacy Policy.