Identification and Maintenance
Who is responsible for cart maintenance and repair? What happens if my carts are damaged, lost or stolen?
The City maintains ownership of all curbside collection carts and each cart is has an electronic ID tag that is registered to your address. As a part of the curbside collection program, the City will also repair each cart as needed and will supply you with a new cart if necessary. There will be no charge for repair or replacement for carts that need it. Please call Public Works (insert phone number) ahead of time if you are uncertain of your carts need for servicing. Charges may apply for unnecessary service or replacement visits.
Please note residents are responsible for keeping their carts to a required standard of cleanliness.
If I move, can I take the carts with me?
No, each cart contains an electronic ID tag that identifies it as belonging to a specific property address. If you move, please leave your carts at your former address.
What information does the ID tag contain?
The electronic ID tags are used only to link the cart to a specific property. The tags do not give the City of Nanaimo any other information but the City can use them to help us in contacting you if we notice a problem with your cart.
Can we put locks on the carts?
No, please do not place locks on the carts.
I’ve just moved and there are no carts at my new address. What do I do?
The previous owner should have left the carts at that address. If that did not happen, contact the Public Works Department.
Can I mark my address anywhere on the cart so it isn’t confused with my neighbor’s carts?
Each cart has a serial number stamped on the front intended to help keep track of the containers. You are encouraged to write down your serial number and store it in a safe place. If you wish to mark the carts, mark the inside of the lid. The cart is
property of the City and we ask that you do not permanently mark the body of the carts because we may need to redeploy them to new addresses.
Contact Us
Last updated: November 14, 2024
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