Urban Design Roster Program
This program offers artists and designers an opportunity to be involved in civic urban design and small-scale artwork related to city infrastructure. The Urban Design Roster is a list of artists who wish to be contacted to work with the City’s Public Art team and other City departments such as Traffic/Transportation, Engineering and Public Works. Projects are activated on an ongoing basis, in relation to opportunities arising from infrastructure renewals, upgrades and maintenance.
Urban Design Roster Artists and Designers 2024-2026

Urban Design Roster Projects
2024 Projects
Utility Bin Covers
Design by Sarita Mielke of WILD/FREE Creative
Design by Mauro Dalla Costa
Design by Patrick Belanger of Drifter Media
Design by Kristen Elkow of Elkplan Design Inc.
Design by Pellvetica
Design by Sebastian Abboud
Design by Amy Pye
Design by Amy Pye
Design by Jillian Mundy
Westwood Lake Picnic Table
Painting by Bernadette McCormack
City of Nanaimo PRC Sticker
Design by Patrick Belanger of Drifter Media
Bowen Complex Mural
Bowen Park Ground by Anaïs Lera
Harewood Lacrosse Box Art Wrap
Design by Brandon Stephenson
2023 Projects
Ticket Kiosk Cover
Design by Noel Brown
Manhole Covers
Ay Lelum with artwork by Joel Good | Photo Credit: Sean Fenzl, Photographer, 2023
Utility Bin Covers
Design by Joel Good of Ay Lelum
Design by Emily Thiessen
Design by Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun
Design by Humanity in Art
2022 Projects
Zero Waste
Zero Waste and Culture collaborated on an initiative that engaged the objectives of a Zero Waste to encourage Nanaimo’s community to reduce waste and improve recycling efforts. Designed by WILD/FREE Creative, the designs were installed on Recycling vehicles, in addition to the creation of a colouring book aimed at youth.Hidden Messages
Active Transportation and Culture partnered on Hidden Messages, an innovative project that brought poetry to city paths, trails and walkways. This project paired design studio Webb Creative with Nanaimo’s Poet Laureate, Kamal Parmar, to create disappearing poems spread across the City at ten locations:McGirr Sports Field TrailE&N Trail at Northfield RoadHaliburton Multi-use PathColliery DamBowen Park TrailwayQueen Elizabeth PromenadeDeparture Bay WalkwayWalley Creek TrailFront StreetMetral Drive at Mostar RoadActivated by water, the poems revealed themselves on rainy days, encouraging folks to get out and explore the City's growing network for cyclists and pedestrians in all kinds of weather. If sunny days kept the words hidden, trail users could use their mobile devices to listen to an audio clip of the poem using the accompanying QR code link, read aloud by the Poet Laureate!
A new mural for the washrooms at Maffeo Sutton Park / Swy-a-Lana. This new surface treatment to cover the walls of the washroom block in Maffeo Sutton Park was painted by Curtis Van Charles Sorenson.The four sides of the building are a series of local coastal landscapes and animals, inspired by the wild parks and natural settings of Nanaimo. The fields, lands, animals and plant life are translated through a stylized palette combined with corner break-out sections of black and white graphic elements.
Poems for Windows
For this yearlong series of poetry posters, Poet Laureate, Kamal Parmar, asked for contributions by local community members and the public. A mixture of poems were created and then designs for the posters made by design roster participant Webb Creative. This short term project responded to the conditions of COVID-19 to ensure there would be safe opportunities for the community to connect with poetry as a creative outlet. Poems were presented in civic facilities and shop windows around town.
Utility Bin Covers
Design by Emily ThiessenDesign by Robert Plante
Design by Amy Pye
2021 Projects
Seasonal Greeting Card
Design by WILD/FREE Creative
Design by Erin Gibbs
Utility Bin Covers
Joel Good, Eagle and fish design at Harewood Youth Park, 2021
Noel Brown, Eagle and Frog in Maffeo Sutton Park, 2021
Sebastian Abboud, Utility wrap on Skinner Street, 2021
Find out more about the process! Contact us directly at 250-755-4483 or cultureandevents@nanaimo.ca.
Don't miss an opportunity to get involved in upcoming Public Art projects with the City of Nanaimo. Subscribe to receive Love Arts Nanaimo Updates and follow us on Instagram at @prc_nanaimo to stay up to date!
Last updated: October 22, 2024
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