Urban Design Roster Program

This program offers artists and designers an opportunity to be involved in civic urban design and small-scale artwork related to city infrastructure. The Urban Design Roster is a list of artists who wish to be contacted to work with the City’s Public Art team and other City departments such as Traffic/Transportation, Engineering and Public Works. Projects are activated on an ongoing basis, in relation to opportunities arising from infrastructure renewals, upgrades and maintenance.

Urban Design Roster Artists and Designers 2024-2026

Amy Pye
Amy Pye
Anais Lera
Ay Lelum
Bernadette McCormack
Bernadette McCormack
Noel Brown
Noel Brown
David Martinello
David Martinello
Eliot White-Hill
Eliot White-Hill, Kwulasultun
Emily Thiessen
Emily Thiessen
Erin Gibbs
Erin Gibbs
Humanity in Art
Humanity in Art
Jillian Mundy
Jillian Mundy
Joel Good
Kristen Elkow_full
Kristen Elkow
Mauro Dalla Costa
Mauro Dalla Costa
Patrick Belanger
Patrick Belanger
Pauline Gallinat
Pauline Gallinat
Robert Plante
Roz Maclean
Roz Maclean
Sebastian Abboud
Sebastian Abboud
Stephanie Teichman
Stephanie Teichman
WILD/FREE Creative
Sarita Mielke of WILD/FREE Creative

Urban Design Roster Projects


Find out more about the process! Contact us directly at 250-755-4483 or cultureandevents@nanaimo.ca

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Last updated: June 20, 2024

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