Street Banner Design Program
Call for 2026 Street Banners will open late spring 2025
This program offers artists and designers an opportunity to submit proposals for original banner artwork that will be hung in Nanaimo's downtown area. Banners will be on display in the Arts District downtown, along Bowen Road, Third Street and other major routes, creating a vibrant visual presence.
2025 Street Banners
2025 Street Banner Design by Aiym Samay-Sampson
Having been asked to consider themes of metamorphosis, change, and transformation in the world around us, Samay-Sampson’s design reflects the idea of change with the image of a butterfly in an abstract, fragmented form. Vibrant shapes come together, demonstrating how change can feel both familiar and unfamiliar; seamless yet sudden. The butterfly symbolizes gradual, harmonious change while the fragmented geometric shapes, broken apart but reassembling in new form, represent the unpredictable and challenging side of transformation.
Samay-Sampson’s design highlights the idea that transformation can be both
constructive and deconstructive, offering new perspectives and sometimes
unexpected results. The mix of visual elements mirrors the complexity of change
in everyday life, encouraging viewers to reflect on their own experiences and
to consider how we all might embrace transformation in our own lives.
Aiym Samay-Sampson was born and raised in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where her passion for drawing began at a young age. At age 17, she moved to Vancouver, Canada, and pursued her studies in 3D Animation at Langara College. This experience allowed Sampson to expand her artistic skills and explore new forms of creative expression. During her time in Vancouver, she met her husband, and together, they made the decision to move to Nanaimo, where they currently reside.
2025 street banners will be on display in spring 2025 and hung in Nanaimo’s downtown area, including in the Arts District downtown, along Bowen Road, Third Street and other major routes, creating a vibrant visual presence.
2024 Street Banners
Artist: Amy Pye
The 2024 Street Banner Design Program sought proposals from artists focused on the theme, '150 Years', to mark 150 years since the City of Nanaimo’s incorporation in 1874. Nanaimo artist Amy Pye’s design was selected. Pye’s design reflects an appreciation for the complexity of our city. Inspired by the convergence of land and sea, and the unique blend of urban and rural life that makes our landscape truly exceptional, Pye’s design will grab attention and inspire thoughtful reflection throughout the year. ‘150’ becomes more than just a number, and instead takes on life and transformative shape as it tells its story.
Rural tradition meets urban innovation in a harmonious visual balance between nature and our modern city, as recognizable symbols of our diverse landscape transform the shape of the 1-5-0 and cascade down the banner. Fertile countryside meets bustling city streets; the flight of an eagle reveals the bounties of the sea; a soaring seaplane finds the solid structures of an urban center. These dynamic relationships are highlighted by the artist, coming to life as balanced opposites.
Find more information on Nanaimo's 150th HERE.
2023 Street Banners
Artist: Sebastian Abboud
Commissioned for the theme ‘Gratitude’, this banner is a bold graphic representation of gratitude for love and growth. The design, by Sebastian Abboud was commissioned through the Urban Design Roster program. In the design on the left is a rendering of stylized hands symbolically depicting love for community, one another, and an appreciation for life. Below the hands is an equal sign, representing balance and equality. In the design on the right a stylized flower below a rain cloud represents growth and resiliency. A smile within both heart shapes reinforces the intended positive tone of the piece, as well as optimism the artist felt we all need at this moment in time.
“This design started with a small pencil sketch of the heart/flower and grew from there. I was inspired by community, my family, and Nanaimo, and set out to create a bold, iconic and clear, playful graphic representation of gratitude for love and growth. It’s about being grateful for all that we have in both sunshine and rain. It was important to me that the piece feel optimistic and representative of change, so a gradient blend background was a suitable choice to communicate that idea” says Abboud.
2022 Street Banners
Artist: Roz MacLean
In 2022, visual artist Roz MacLean was commissioned to create a banner reflecting the theme 'Growing and Thriving in Nanaimo' .
“This banner design considers the plant life of this region. With this year’s theme inspired by a garden, I wanted to think about systems of growth and life that consider wellness, from root to flower and earth to sky. I enjoyed learning the names and characteristics of the plants you can see in the design, such as Kinnikinnick, Fireweed, Blue Camas, White Avalanche Lily and Iris Tenax. Roots nourish plants, and everything below the soil is just as vital to flourish as what appears above. This is true for plants and for human beings!” says MacLean.
2021 Street Banners
Artist: Becky Thiessen
In 2021, the chosen banner design reflected the thematic call call was Nanaimo 2121: One Hundred Years Forward.
“When I think 100 years forward, I can’t help but think 100 years back. Industry and increased settlement have made a significant impact on the natural environment in this region. People have lived in this area for thousands of years, in balance with the ecology. My banner imagery represents this idea. When I imagine Nanaimo in 100 years, I hope that the reverence for the cedar tree remains and I hope the estuary can still claim to be one of the greatest natural resources in the region.”
Want to stay in the know about future artist opportunities?
Stay updated on the work of the Culture & Events team, and see how the City is amplifying and championing local creativity! Subscribe to receive Love Arts Nanaimo Updates and follow us on Instagram at @prc_nanaimo to learn about current and upcoming artist opportunities.
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Last updated: March 3, 2025
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