Missed Collection?
Reasons your cart may have been missed
If all the carts on your side of the side street were missed, click here.
Reasons your cart may not have been collected:
The collection crew has not reached the address yet.
On occasion, operators may work into the evening to complete collection.
A statutory holiday has changed the collection schedule.
Our collection service operates on an add-a-day system, meaning collection will get bumped back a day every statutory holiday.
Operational delay.
Unusual weather, construction, or other traffic delays, unexpected equipment breakdowns, or other operational issues.
A Service Alert will be issued if delays are affecting all or part of your route.
A Service Alert will be sent out in cases when collection is not completed on the scheduled day. Please follow directions as indicated in the Service Alert.
Sign up for Service Alerts by downloading the Nanaimo Recycles app on Google Play or the App Store, or use the directions below to sign up on our website.
- Head to our Collection Schedules page.
- Input your address into the My Schedule tool.
- Select the "Get a Reminder" button.
- Pick which type of notification you would like to receive, and follow the directions to complete setting up the Service Alert or Reminder.
If only your cart was not collected, click here.
Reasons your cart may not have been collected:
Cart was not out by 8:00 a.m.
All carts must be at the curb by 8:00 a.m. on your collection day.
Overflowing or excess material in cart
Carts that are overfilled or with open lids will not be collected. This is important as carts with open lids have a high probability of breaking due to the mechanical arms on the automated truck. Materials may also spill onto the streets as the cart is emptied/tipped into the truck. All waste must fit inside the carts provided and the lids need to close completely; material placed on top or outside of the carts will NOT be collected.
Cart is blocked
If your cart is blocked by an obstacle like a car, tree, fence or other cart, the collection truck will not be able to access and service your cart. This is to prevent damage to vehicles or private property. Ensure proper spacing between the carts and all other obstacles.
For more information, please review our Cart Placement page.
Cart did not empty completely
Organic materials such a large amounts of damp grass clippings may sometimes get stuck in the bottom of the bin and may not fully empty. Follow the tips below:
- Line the bottom and sides of your organics cart with newspaper.
- Avoid packing contents down.
- Layer wet and dry organic materials in your cart.
- Use paper leaf and garden bags.
Wrong material/contamination and placement of cart?
Incorrect material in a cart is considered contamination and is a big problem when it comes to recycling and composting the City’s waste. The new automated trucks are equipped with cameras that allow the truck driver to inspect each cart as it is emptied.
You will be mailed an “Oops Card” as a friendly reminder identifying the error.
Contact Us
Last updated: November 14, 2024
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Information collected on this form is done so under the general authority of the Community Charter and
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), and is protected in accordance with FOIPPA. Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at 250-755-4405, or via email at foi@nanaimo.ca. Please also see our Privacy Policy.
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